Thursday, May 16, 2024

Tentative surgery date

Health Update: I haven’t been able to post anything for a bit.  I needed to digest what has been happening.  I have completed my treatments (radiation and chemotherapy) at Princess Margaret and my blood test came back with some improved numbers.  So, I don’t have to return until the end of August for follow up. So funny that although I am so happy to be done with them on one hand but I felt somewhat “adrift” as well.  

I saw the surgeon who told me that in his opinion the chemotherapy and radiation did little to the tumour.  He told me that he would be conferring with colleagues to decide on next steps.  He said that the tumour is pressing into my “superior vena cava” (the large vein that goes into the heart).  The vein may need to be replaced during the surgery.  I knew that the tumour was snuggled up against my heart but didn’t realize the seriousness until now.  In addition, I was told that he would have to remove a portion of my lung along with the tumour. 

I found an illustration on line showing the “superior vena cava” so drew it on a piece of card and glued it in.  I’m just glad that the replacement vein will be manmade and they won’t be taking one from my own leg. 

Today, I received a call from the surgeon’s office saying that a tentative date for surgery is scheduled for June 5.  On Tuesday, after the long weekend, I have a zoom meeting scheduled with the surgeon to go through the surgical procedure.  Forms will be sent, I’ll sign them and send them back. There will be a pre-operation appointment somewhere in there as well.  So things are moving forward!!! I’m super excited and super scared all at the same time.  I feel so much better having a new goal to focus on; getting through this next stage en route to surgery. 

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