Friday, March 19, 2010

Podcast Audio Books

Have I said how much I love my Macbook laptop?!! I'm at Starbucks downloading podcasts to my heart content.

I have just finished another audio book podcast and have just started another. I love my iPod touch almost as much as this piece of technology! I can safely say that I can't recommend enough Mur Lafferty's podcast audio books. Just listened to "Playing for Keeps" and I plan on downloading "The Takeover" later. Right now I'm downloading the podcast that won the 2009 Parsecs Award for this genre. It is quite a lengthy story and I have had to download it piecemeal. Playing for Keeps is a story about super heros. I had thought that I mightn't like it all that much but I did indeed; it was recommended by the fella that podcasts the "Leviathan Chronicles". His podcast audio book is of such high quality adventure Mur's is a little less high tech but the story was great!

So in the meantime I have just started a new podcast audio book called "Nocturnal". This one is about crime and vampires and so far has been very exciting.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

I wanted to spend a few minutes "doodling" and I located this page in my Moleskine that I had covered with graphite and rubbed with a stomp. I'm not sure what made me do this and it sure looked like something needed to be done with it. I just couldn't leave it that way forever.

So I used some white and silver paint pens and a sharpie to make a doodle picture. I'm not sure what made me pick flowers but I think that it looks interesting if nothing else. I had not anticipated what it would turn out like so it was a surprise. I like it when I don't have a plan while making art - even if it is just doodle art. I find that my like is so planned out already that not having one is some much more fun! So I take my hat off to everyone who can produce art without a plan.