Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thursday is drawing class night

The cherries this year are absolutely fantastic, nice and sweet! I was only able to find two bunches of black cherries that were still joined. I drew them and then re-worked them (read edit) but although I am not totally satisfied, here they are. Using a camera is sometimes very good since it is a truly an objective "critic".

Thought that I would post some "tools of the trade" so to speak. These are things that I never thought that I would ever use. Obviously, the instructor likes us to use European drawing materials. I have read on the internet that they have softer leads with higher pigmentation. I certainly understand the softer lead thing since I have used over an inch of my 2B pencil for this weeks homework project. I never ever thought I would use the sandpaper block but what a useful tool it is!

I am amazed at how much information is available on the internet about drawing but then again there is lots that isn't explained. I learn better with actual instruction and then applying what has been learned in the homework assignment.

Well done Mark! Go see his amazing art at his website

I have to say that although last week I was disappointed with my drawing efforts, I am looking forward to tonight. I seem to be having some difficulties with the "live model". I have to say that I had had a very busy day last week and was a bit tired. I hate to lay to blame elsewhere but I do have to say that the environment is really not conducive to drawing. The perspective is all off for me; she was standing directly in front of me but was standing on the table which make her way above my head. Nothing I drew was any good, I hope that it was just an "off" night that will not be repeated again tonight.

Monday, July 26, 2010


I am taking a drawing course down at Curry's art supply in town and I really should be doing my homework since it will require many many hours of work before the next class on Thursday night. But as always, I am a dilly dally sort of person and have been drawing fruit.

I find that there are times when the camera "does not lie" and I can see lots of errors in my drawings. It is a good to use the critical "lens" of the camera if you don't have anyone to critique your work. So yes, I can see the flaws in these little drawings but I'm putting them "out there" anyway.

Actually these two little drawings are from my Moleskin sketchbook because I know that I should to draw each and every day in order to improve my skill and technique. However, I did cheat on these and I used "shavings" from my pencil to darken the background. My drawing instructor thinks that is the lazy way since it is NOT actual "drawing" but smearing graphite on to a page with a stomp. He says 80 percent drawing and 20 percent stomping! I will try!

I will see if I can post his link here so you can check out how great he is:

Sunday, July 25, 2010

In the Eye of the Beholder

Well, I do like the new backgrounds that blogger has let me change but I thought I could fool around with it so much more. More reading and learning is required it seems. I'm a bit miffed that all of my old posts won't show up since the new change because the print area is now white when before it was black. Hmm. Wonder if there is a work-a-round for this. So that means more reading and more learning. That is certainly a good thing.

Although I would never wear anything orange, I really do love the warmth the colour brings to the screen. I know that some readers don't appreciate the stark blackness. I thought that the black punctuated my photo's but possibly that is only for my eye only. Ya know, in the "eye of the beholder"!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Moleskin Sketch

I read lots of blogs where the blogger writes about why they have been absent from updating their blog. Sometimes they even write that they will endeavour to update more frequently in the future because they life has stabilized blah, blah, blah. I just refuse to make promises or to apologize. My absence is what it is, life happens.

I love my little red Moleskin sketchbook. It is all about being easy to carry in addition to my iPod! It is one of the two things that I just CAN NOT do without. So if I was stuck on a desert island, I would absolutely have to have my sketchbook and a minimum a 2B pencil.

I'm just started a drawing course this month so it has renewed my desire to get back to sketching and drawing. So here is a small one I did several nightshifts ago! I popped these cherries in my mouth after I drew them. Doing a drawing that has nothing to do with my class work was very satisfying!