Thursday, January 28, 2016

Fish Fry shacks

Here is the drawing I worked on yesterday! It took me almost a full day to complete. My hubby and I walked by the "fish shacks" (there are quite a few others in the immediate vicinity) yesterday morning and I stopped to draw. We had eaten at this particular "shack" before and returned last night to Shirley's for supper. I added the colour throughout the day each time we stopped for a "beverage" or lunch! 

I will so miss the colour of the landscape here when we return to winter white in Canada later today. 

Here is Shirley's restaurant on the inside. I didn't get it completely finished but it is as finished as it is going to get!  Great restaurant! 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Fishing Boat and Sandbar at low tide

I had spent some time while the guys were helping the owner fix the boat dock to do a drawing of David's 24 foot fishing boat. My hubby and David went fishing to Man O'war Cay so they dropped Caroline and I off on a sand bar. I have never experienced anything like it! At first there wasn't anyone around but soon boaters came in their dingy' to walk around and look for shells. One had a dog aboard and it was running around enjoying being on land! 

Caroline found a live sand dollar and let me take a snap before she put it back in the water! 

Then she found a live baby conch (pronounced konk) and did the same - returned it to it's natural habitant after the snap. 

It was such an amazing experience!! 

I snapped a photo of the sand bar before we left. 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Stocking Island, Exuma, Bahamas

Wifi wasn't working well last night so here is yesterday's sketch from our visit to Stocking Island Bahamas.  Some boaters we met said that they didn't sleep a wink all night due to the relentless wind! The colour of the water in this lagoon is incredible and I can't seem to capture its beauty! 

Pen and watercolour in my Moleskine 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Drawing lunch

We had a terrific lunch in the big city on St Clair Ave W in Toronto. I had s chance to draw the implements and condiments before it arrived. Too hungry to draw more and I just couldn't seem to paint the rice paper cold rolls! 

Oh well, lunch was delicious! 

Friday, January 15, 2016

My last post won't publis

Happy fence post Friday everyone! 

Tried my hand st painting grapes with a water bush; need ore practice. When I asked my grand-daughter if she recongnized my painting, she looked at it upside down and said it was a tree.  Decided it needed some text for clarification. 

Happy that Sketchbook Skool has started

Today is the first day of class! 

I drew this as another way to celebrate the start of s new semester! 

The Buddha Beer from China makes the claim right on the bottle that it is Enlightened Beer!! It is a good lager but I don't think I was any more Enlightened after I drank it. 

I did this quick drawing late yesterday afternoon before my our grand-daughter got home. I asked her if she knew what it was she said a tree.  So I decided to add the text so the grapes would be clearly oriented on the page. I need to practice painting grows more. I didn't use a pen this time and I was too hurried so smell of the paint kindled where I didn't want it to but there it is ... I need to do more of these but with our dollar going down below .70$ US I don't think I will often. 

Monday, January 11, 2016

Enjoying some Hand Sewing on a Postcard

I decided to create s page in my sketchbook dedicated to this postcard I made for a swap that I joined on Facebook. I find that I often make them and then forget to document the process! 

I stitched on a used tea bag and the applied the book page as a mat and my own artist tape coloured with the same pan pastels. In the end I decided that a tiny bit of glitter on the "frame" would look nice. 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Wierd Weather

This is the way it looked on my way to town. An hour later the weather turned from pouring rain to snow showers. I stopped for the mist....

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Vintage Toy

Here is a silly Saturday watercolour sketch.  I saw a red one on-line the other day on Instagram so I thought I would draw the one I have. I loved this when I was a kid. My grandmother who lived in St Andrews West Ontario had a brown one.  When we would visit I would spend hours looking through the "reels" she had.  Secretly though, it was kept in the telephone table under the coat rack by the front door.  I spent a lot of time listening in on the telephone "party line"! That was almost as fun as the View-Master. This black  Bakelite Model C is the most common because they were virtually indestructible!  I can't be the only one who has fond memories of this simple toy! 


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

My new kicks

Love these new trail shoes.  They aren't insulated for winter but I wore two pairs of smart wool socks and my toes were toasty warm. 

Yippee! The new class at Sketchbook Skool starts soon! I am looking forward to it very much!! 

In fact I couldn't help but marry these two ideas together. Trailblazing with my new kicks and the trailblazers at Sketchbook Skool of creative fun! 

We had a great walk yesterday afternoon! It was s chilly -7C and with the windchill -15C but sunny so we took the trail through the bush to get out of the wind. We went right down to Lake Simcoe and I was able to get this snap. I was hoping to get the mallards and the mergansers but they took off the minute I had my phone raised! 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Sometimes the page just isn't quite finished

I kept looking st my picture and knew that there was something missing on my page. I added some yellow to the feather and I'm happier now, 

We had a wonderful walk in the bush and on the trail this afternoon! 

It really was pretty when the sun came out! 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

A New Year -new beginnings

Happy New Year -welcome 2016! 

We visited friends for a bonfire on New Years Eve! 

I drew what was laid out on our friends dining room table.  Another friend brought her Chocolate Labrador; Chelsey looks like she is ready to eat the cheese tray and she would have if given the chance. Her head was actually on to of the table though! 

This is a mixed media abstract collage that I started yesterday but couldn't get finished until this morning. It started as a page to put my left over paint and ink on and then it just kind of morphed as I doodled on it and added to it throughout the day. This is a drawing of a seagull feather that I picked up at our local beach this summer. It is drawn on a vintage dictionary page. I remembered that I had carved out the "fun" stamp from a $1 white eraser awhile back. I added it because I did have fun. I think I'm done. Alcohol ink drips, acrylic paint, gel roll pens, from around the house stencils  and Stabilo all-pencil (cuz it writes on anything).