Friday, September 25, 2009

Packing Again

Visting my friend in Kemptville Ontario and the drive here on Wednesday was brutal! For close to 50 kms, the rain was pelting down so hard I couldn't see the road and my wipers couldn't clear the windshield. Abruptly, I came up to the back end of a vehicle that did not have lights on and was going 30 kms below the speed limit! What a donkey!

My friend and I had a good time shopping yesterday in the States (yup had to pay $39 worth of duty)! I picked up lots of stuff that we can't get at home!

When I first arrived here my friend hadn't yet returned from a meeting in Toronto so I had a couple of hours to kill so I drew a picture of a paper Tim's cup. I can't believe that I have never tried to draw that particular "still life" before! Especially since I do drink gallons of the stuff. Odd that there are times where I don't see the obvious. Yesterday, I had time to quickly draw a glass because I thought the square shape was interesting (and yes extremely appropriate) since I had consume way too much the night before. This is my second attempt at drawing glass, I think the drawing might have looked better if I had put some liquid in the glass.

We will be leaving here sometime today and heading into Ottawa (40 minute drive) to stay for the weekend at the Best Western. Since we are meeting up with three other friends (one from B.C.) tonight for dinner. It has been a fun trip so far! However, I will bring my drawing utensils but I doubt that I will have time to draw anything with four of us in the hotel room. That being said, I'm not complaining.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Travelling again

I am leaving today for Kemptville Ontario to stay with a friend there, then we will be making our way to Ottawa to meet three other friends (one of whom is coming from B.C.). It should be fun as always, this is my newest "annual trek" to Ottawa.

I'm looking forward to taking some photo's with my new camera. It is a Nikon CoolPix P90. It can still be used like a "point and shoot" camera but has many more really neat functions. I especially wanted the great zoom feature. I'm looking forward to seeing what sort of images that I can capture. Unfortunately, the long range forcast is rain in Ottawa so that might put a damper on my picture taking but I might try to see if I can get anything interesting nevertheless.

I am hoping that I can load up the car in between rain showers. I'm not fond of driving in the rain because everything appears to be just so "dull". I always take the long way just so I can see something interesting and check out any possible photo taking spots.

In addition, I am planing to stop off at Mrs. McGarrigle's store in Merrickville. It is a lovely little village and I love making my purchases from the "independant" store owner.

This photo that I am posting is one that I took the other day on my walk. As is now my habit, I carry a camera with me. It is surprising just what you might see that sparks an idea of how a photography might turn out. was lucky to get this snap because she decided to roll under the head of the flower and virtually disappeared. I grabbed the snap and continued on my walk.

And ....

This photo was taken when I was on my way back home and I then stumbled upon these wild turkey's while walking by a laneway on my concession. I had not expected to see them and only caught a glimpse of something moving out of the corner of my eye. It actually frightened me at first until I realised what they where. Usually I don't see them until winter when the snow is on the ground. They like to eat the seed from the bird feeder.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Watermarking Photo's

I have finally figured out the program called "iWatermark" that can be used for free for the first 30 days as a trial period. It took me a bit to figure it out but I am satisfied with the result. What I like about the program is that I can move the watermark where I want for the individual picture.

So, yes I know that doesn't mean that people still can't steal them but it makes it more difficult. These sorts of people can steal "ideas" even if there is a watermark on them. I think that there is a "balance" that must be met between the fear of theft and not participating at all. There is some pictures that I hold dear and I don't think that I will post them "just in case". When it comes to my drawings, I want people to see my progress in my artistic journey. It is a hard descision to make. I will continue to post my simple works and I will not watermark all of my photo's in an attempt to stop cheats.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Office Equipment

This piece of equipment was done completely by "eye" only; I didn't use a "straight edge" to draw it. Not recalling my "lessons" from an art class that I took at the local college became obvious when I looked at my completed drawing. I had forgotten about that all lines that are parallel must remain equi-distant to each other as well. Therefore, as you can see, the perspective is slightly off. I have never tried to draw something that is quite so angular since my one and only art class that I took last fall. I was mostly concerned with it being realistic enough that it would be recognisable as a piece of office equipment.

I haven't figured out how to add a "watermark" to my photos, drawings and other art work yet. That will come, it is my next project

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Glorious Poppy

I decided that I should try something different. I love a poppy. I think that it is a fabulous flower in it's own right. I have thought that I would love to do a "picture a day" but know that that is not reasonable but I do like to post the odd picture drawn with the simpliest of mediums. That does not mean that it is a lowly medium than all of the others but it is one of the cheapest to purchase even if you don't purchase expensive paper. This means that the 2B pencil is the most accessible in the world today where as paper is quite possibly the hardest to come by.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Wishes go out to my Dad!

Sometimes doing things mean that you have to do a little bit of learning along the way. I don't have a manual for this MacBook but I don't really need it because "eventually" I find my way and I am able to complete the task. So here is a quick drawing that I did the other day. Nothing fantastic. I continue to maintain that the face is the hardest to draw. I have not even attempted to draw someone that I know to see if I could master the "recognition" factor. I honestly don't think that I would be all that successful at this point. However, I do enjoy the process of trying to make soft round edges appear on the paper.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I went for a walk today and finally had the guts to go up to the abandoned house that is at the end of my concession. Whoever the people were who lived there they left the end of May or so! I use to wave at the woman who would mow the lawn. I am stoked because I finally had the guts to go up and take pictures of the house.

I love the shape of the spindles on the roof of the barn. I don't know what they are actually called but they are visually interesting.

It really is sad that someone would walk away from the house and strange that there is no "for sale" sign although there has not been anyone living there for many months.

I brings to mind all of the exploring that I use to do as a kid. Some of it was just in my "minds eye" but it was always fun. Today was exciting to say the least. I had not antiipated that I would ever see an abandoned house that
is in the early stages of decay. I will have to keep an eye on it to see what kind of damage occurs as it deteriorates.

It really is a good house and it will make me sad to see it go. The barn has stood for many a year as well. I wonder how long it will take before it too goes by the way of the rural mailbox?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Vist to Toronto

I love my point and shoot camera! There are times where it does not rise to the challenge, early yesterday morning was one of them. I tried to get a photo of a blue heron that I saw on my way home from work. I might try some photo editing using iPhoto and see if it can make an improvement. So I thought I'd post these instead.

My point and shoot camera can't be beat based on it's ease of use and it's lightweight portability. I am using a Panasonic Lumix 10X zoom 10.1 m.p. so it is quite untilitarian and really quite satisfying overall. I can't afford a new camera at this point so I must be satisfied with the pictures that I can produce with what I have.

I also love visting Toronto. This trip, I got to stay at the Harbour Castle hotel which was a first rate hotel and a first time for me as well. The room was excellent and the view the harbour spectacular! I had to get a picture of the tall ship!

I had a chance to visit one of the Toronto Islands - Hanlan Point and got a chance to take some snaps of the city skyline. It was a perfect night. Surprisingly there were still misquito's buzzing around but they didn't last long. We had a great evening on my friends boat! She really likes it there and thinks that she might spend her holiday there again next year.

There is something about the CN tower is that eye-catching. I like the sci-fi look about it. Especially this snap with the violet sky. A great photo opportunity! I have seen this scene so many times as a postcard and now I have my own version.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pencil Drawing

Some friends of mine mentioned that I should keep practicing drawing the human face. Although it is one of the most challenging aspects of drawing, it really is an enjoyable exercise. The challenge is to make the face recognisable if you are drawing someone you know! I have not been able to achieve this as of yet! However, since I am mostly self-taught (for the most part - I have had only one drawing class at the local college!), I am happy with the results so far. This face is the forth face that I have done so far. I don't like the flaws that have shown up in the picture here but they are in the original pencil drawing. Since things can't be helped it would seem!

It never seems to amaze me how busy our lives are and how time ticks by us so quickly! I really must endeavour to produce more drawings and other art forms that I enjoy.

Having said that, the next 6 months or so will be extremely busy and I really shouldn't be spending time doing leisure arts. However, when I don't I can feel myself getting antsy and even at times grumpy because I have not had that creative outlet. Art therapy so to speak!

The photo here is not the best but you get the general idea! I think that the real thing is always better than what can be seen using this medium.

Now I'd like to do
another test! I want to see if I can add another picture here and see if I can position it in a certain way. So here goes!! Yes, I was able to get this on and put it "almost" where I wanted it. Very good! I have attempted to manover it even more but without much success. It seems blogger wants to have a few words above the picture whether I want it there or not.

Well, I am shocked about how much time that I have been on the internet this afternoon (have I said just how much I love the internet!!!). I shouldn't complain really since this is my first day off and I don't really accomplish much anyhow.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Thrill of Memory!

I'm not exactly sure what it is about it but I can't seem to help myself; I always feel compelled to buy this gum wherever I see it!! I know that it is a childhood thing. It isn't that it was my favourite gum because it did taste like soap! Having said that it is a fond memory. From what I understand, it is the strong taste that in fact brings back our memories (the good and the bad). Taste and smells are forever imprinted in our brains.

One thing that I notice about the the gum is how little the package has changed. However, I don't recall that the colour of the gum itself was quite this dark, not quite this "dioxazine" purple as I would think of it today. I believe that the gum actually did look more like the picture on the front. Is there a reason for the more saturated colour? Is it a marketing ploy for the current generation? Or, is it because my memory is not as accurate as it once was? One thing that I do know for certain is that it tastes the same!!!! What fun!

I just realised that I have to flip my calender over! Oh my, where has the summer gone? I don't feel that I have had a real opportunity to enjoy it this year!