Thursday, March 31, 2022

Turkey Vultures have returned

Funny thing is, I don’t really think about these birds much as indicators of spring but they are here so it must be so.  Of course animals die year round and I’m glad they are the clean up crew. 

I noticed its graceful flight yesterday while searching for its next meal.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Masks are no longer required

Mask mandate has been lifted here in Ontario!  I’m just not ready and I’m happy that I am not alone.  Some premises have signage at the front door; my physiotherapy office states masks must be worn on the premises until April 27.  Yes! I think that is a better time frame to remove them. 

Monday, March 21, 2022

First Day of Spring

I don’t normally follow the “National Day of” but this one is close to my heart! 

It is the first day of spring and the scent of spring for me is the smell of MUCK!  Our clay soil loves water!! There are spores under the snow that are now airborne so my allergies are amping up and so are my meds!! 

Lise Watier is a Canadian entrepreneur from Montreal Quebec.  She started a cosmetic firm and launched NEIGES (Snow) perfume in 1993.  She was told that it would not do well because of the negative connotation to the winter season.  

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Driving to Etobicoke

We are visiting the family since our granddaughter is off for spring break here in Ontario.  I kept my daughter company as she drove to a part of the big city she doesn’t know well.  I’ve never drawn in her car before and my lines were shaky as we traversed many pot holes.  Sadly, it is too early in the season for the city to send out their road crews.  They haven’t done the roads in the country where we live either!  I’m happy that I could cover up my lives with a dark marker and some watercolour paint when we got home. 

Friday, March 11, 2022

Memories of Angie

I was routing through my jewelry box and came across this pendant.  The find brought back memories of fun times spent with Angie and her husband.  They both enjoyed life to the fullest and we had so many happy times camping, summer bbq parties and the “annual tree killing” to name a few! 

It is shopping day so I’m wearing this as my fancy jewelry with my jeans.  I couldn’t find the cord that I used for around my neck so u made me a eork around.  I ripped a piece of black fabric about 3/4” wide and knotted it.  There! Looking at it will make me smile.  Angie died about 8 years ago, they were good friends and neighbours. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Harbinger of Spring

How utterly exciting is this!!! I know that some robins stay all winter if they have a good food source; that is not the case in our area.  I still think Mother Nature has sent out the signal that “spring has arrived” a tad early but it is what it is!!  It always makes me happy to see them.

I don’t know why this old saying popped into my head but I think it is just perfect for this journal entry. 

Inspiration from our deck and reference image from Pixabay. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2022


I didn’t see this chipmunk today but he was at the feeder when I went out yesterday.  I think that Mother Nature has her signals all mixed up.  We still have snow on the ground so I was so surprised to see him outside grabbing himself a snack! 

Friday, March 4, 2022


Shopping day has rolled around again so I’ll put aside my sweats and “dress up” in these jeans instead.  Am I the only one that sees these tiny pockets as a problem?  I hate carrying my purse in shopping but want my slimline wallet and phone with me.  Of course I have to keep my car key fob on me too.   Right now I keep them in my coat pocket so it isn’t an issue but once it warms up these jeans will be kept in the closet and never see the light of day until next fall. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Pink tulips

We have finally got a little bit of sunshine!!  My husband bought a bunch of pink tulips at the grocery store. The roses from last month are gone so he thought we could use some more living colour in the house. 
These colours make me think of spring!

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Crow food

This morning I was having my coffee and looking out the window at the birds.  These two crows have returned early.  I don’t know if they got their signals crossed and arrived ahead of their usual schedule.  I was wondering what it is that they would eat at this time of year.   They are a very large bird and I didn’t think there is much for them to eat since the landscape is still so white.  There aren’t many mice out and about these days since we haven’t caught any in at The Last Supper (big mouse trap) for a month or more. There aren’t any insects, birds eggs and very little carrion. 

I guess right now they are existing on seed from bird feeders and ugh…eating other birds.  I wish they would eat the nasty squirrels instead. 

Nothing fancy about this paintbrush drawings.