Saturday, January 13, 2018

Thanks to Paul over on Sktchy for the awesome architectural photograph.  I used an mono printed page in my Moleskine sketchbook: Pentel brush pen, gouache, watercolour and blue craft paint.  Then I thought.....what now? 

A hour later a inkling of a story emerged.  "Once upon a time there was a little girl who was going to spend the weekend at grandmas house.  She loved going to Grandma's.  Grandma lived in town and she had a circular staircase.  The house was special, the staircase windows were magical.  When the little girl would walk up the stairs each window would tell her a story.  Every time she would climb the staircase the windows would reveal a new story.  The little girls grandmother loved for her to visit because she couldn't climb the stairs any longer. The little girl always told her grandmother what she saw in the windows.  So begins my story; to be continued.... #gouache #monoprint #Moleskine #storytelling 

Monday, January 8, 2018

I've had this wooden mannequin that I bought at the dollar store absolutely ages ago!  I thought it was time to use it or lose it!  It needed some colour; the red gouache was perfect!! 

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Today's teabag offering.  Thanks go to Sktchy muse for the sweet bunny photo.  I had something else in for today's spread but changed my mind.  I was having my first cup of java this morning and looking out the window at the bird feeder out back. I was happy to see that the wild brown bunny was out at the feeder with the birds eating the seed. It was -28C then and with the windchill it was -40C.  He lives near the tree line so I could see the path he had made in the snow.  I used fluid acrylics in brown, yellow oxide, titan buff and sepia and craft black then I also smeared on some Staz-on ink pad. Then collaged on the coloured up and torn dictionary page, then the birch bark (found it on the ground last winter while we were trekking in the bush).  I used washi tape around the spread so it gave me nice sharp borders and didn't stick on removal (it isn't my favourite).  He usually feeds again in the late afternoon so I'll keep an eye out for him/her. Spread done in my Fabriano Venezia sketchbook #teabag #teabag_art #collage 

Friday, January 5, 2018

Another teabag piece by way of Sktchy done on a prepared background.  I'm a good Canuck so I like all things maple! I used: Sharpie pen, black and white Stabilo all pencil, acrylic paint in Quin red, Quinn gold, Quinn magenta and Payne Grey. Stencils for the background then wiped through with a baby wipe to reveal a pattern.  In my Fabriano Venezia sketchbook so I'll journal on it later.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Thanks to Melissa from Sktchy for her inspirational photo.  My painting is in homage to all the tea bag artists out there! I like to re-use and recycle in my art so I wanted to try my teabag.  I forgot to iron it before I painted the gouache on it.  I tried after but I still couldn't flatten it out completely, so it wIll have to do.  I'm not a huge tea drinker but I like to make a switch from coffee in the afternoon. There is a lot going on here with the Faber Castell gelato water soluble crayons, light molding paste and found papers, and some marks made with a handmade white eraser stamp. I like her beautiful and calm face ignoring the chaos on the two page spread. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Pressed for time today so I drew and painted this rooster this morning!  I like water soluble ink with watercolour. And a cockle doodle do to you too!  Sktchy inspired!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year everyone! This is how we celebrated last night! A large bonfire at our friends house! It was -24C when we arrived and dipped down to -27C when we headed home. My hubby and friend s are made of sterner stuff than I!!! I only lasted 30-40 minutes before I headed in! My trusty Uniball didn't freeze up while I scribbled out some marks on the page!  Painted this morning!  If your wondering, the bonfire was massive!!