Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Deep magenta Roses

For today a simple rose.  A rose from the dozen of deep magenta ones my husband bought.  Love the colour!  So appreciate the flowers. 

Cheap matte craft paint in my Moleskine planner. 

Monday, October 26, 2020

Pumpkin spice latte

A taste test! The people who decide where to place products at grocery stores are focused on silly people like me! I’m the sucker that paid $7.99 for 5 cups of less that stellar pumpkin spice.  I have to go to town today, considering taking a detour to get a real latte. Okay, decision made.....I’m going to do it!!! 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Selfie Sunday

I can’t believe it; it is selfie Sunday once again! I used Liquetex acrylic gouache in my Moleskine daily planner.  This gouache dries waaaaay too fast so my skin is blotchy.  I found that I should have added my hair before I attempted the skin.  Once upon a time I had dark hair and very fair skin. So today, I’m looking a little strange.  No matter! I made a selfie!! 

Friday, October 23, 2020

Fence post Friday

Yikes! We went to town shopping today and I got an emergency alert on my phone regarding a weather warning- possible tornadoes.  The worst of the storm possibly at 2000 hrs. Getting close.... thought I’d better post while I can.  Happy Fence Post Friday everyone!! Take care! Enjoy the weekend! 

Travelling to Newfoundland

 I have hopped around in my Sketchbook Project and completed this last two page spread this week.  As you can see,  there is some artistic license here.  I should have put the building closer to the waters edge (where it belongs) but this one was old and abandoned.  I have painted everything (in this book) from my photographs except for the puffin.  The Atlantic Ocean was rough on that day and I had a heck of a time standing up let alone using my camera.  I used a Pixabay reference photo.  

Liquitex acrylic gouache (so the pages won’t stick together)! 

Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Sketchbook Project

I need to join a “procrastinators R-US” group, if there is such a thing!  Last Christmas I was gifted this sketchbook.  When the pandemic hit I lost interest and I didn’t start again until the summer.  It has taken me quite some time to decide what I want to put on each page.  Then when I did, I had to figure out, the how to do it so I would like it. Thank goodness my granddaughter had helped me to decide what my subject matter would be. I decided that I need to “pull up my socks” and just “get it done”!!  The gift included digitisation and because of the pandemic I just ignored the due date.  I don’t know many of you know about the Sketchbook Project but I invite you to check it out.  I love looking at other artists sketchbooks on line.  I had the opportunity to take a couple of sketchbooks out when the travelling library visited the Distillery District in Toronto some time ago. 

I’m using  Liquitex acrylic gouache and I did some stitching on the front cover.  I couldn’t make my North America and exact copy of a real map, it was meant to give an idea of travelling “At home and abroad”. 

Has anyone here submitted a sketchbook?! Is it digitised?! Love to take a look! 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Beam Paints part two

I opened the package and tried out my new paints in my Moleskine. I used some watercolour ground and gesso but the thin paper still buckled.  I’ll have test them out on real watercolour paper.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Beam Paints

I finally finished my Moleskine page.  If you are interested in these paints check them out over on IG or go to Indigo books on line.  My lettering may not be clear so it is -BEAM Paints.  Indigo is a Canadian bookstore chain here in Canada.  Super happy to have picked up some of these handmade watercolour paints. 

Oh yes, if memory serves........ Manitoulin Island is the largest fresh water island in the world. 

Acrylic gouache. 

Negative painting

I watched a tutorial this morning on negative painting from the UK (2 pm their time and 0900 hrs Eastern time).  I wasn’t prepared but tried to follow along with the artist while she show us how she did a negative painting technique.  I only had my handmade sketchbook so I could only do one leaf.  She had previously prepared start on a much larger piece of paper. AnywAy I did what I could and this is what I created. 

They leave the posts up for a limited time on U-tube so I invite you to check out ShopKeepEasy for today’s free class. She did a truly wonderful painting with many layers with awesome results.  If you have the money you can take her full workshop on November 3 and convert 35 pounds to your money.  It is close to $60 CDN but that is still cheaper than SBS!! Sadly, I’ve already spend my wad for this month! 

Yup, I’m using 90 lb paper in my sketchbook so there is loads of warping anyway you get the idea. 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Squash from the garden

My page for today in my handmade sketchbook. My hubby picked all the squash since the weather is getting so darn cold and likely to dip below freezing.  He harvested more but I decided that 3 was enough. 

It was harder that I expected to draw this simple shape so I had to make it quite sketchy.  I used a pencil for the lettering because I can never get it right but went straight in for the squash. 

I used acrylic ink for the squash and White Nights watercolours for the lettering.  

Sunday, October 18, 2020

What I wore

What I wore - yesterday! I went to town so I “dressed up”!  Nice long sleeved t-shirt with similar coloured earrings.  AND scent (because I left the house!); I wear it now because, well ..... because “I CAN”!!  When I worked it wasn’t permitted.  

Ugh! It is cold, damp, dark and that means it is raining today so it was nice to use the Micador watercolour paint disks- so colourful!
But darn it all.....I had to pull out the socks.

What I’m reading

I like to read with my coffee when I first wake up.  Most often it is on the public cloud library app but sometimes it’s a new magazine.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Too early for Egg Nog

I got my snow tires on Ali g with the sensor I. My right front tire! We stopped at Food Basics and I bought a carton of egg nog.

Falling Leaves

Here is this morning’s page.  There are loads of leaves on our deck and gapping holes in the maple tree where they were! 
I used Liquitex acrylic gouache and cheap matte craft paint.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Selfie Sunday

Here is my self portrait for this Sunday on my journal spread in this unloved sketchbook. I’d like to wish all my fellow Canucks a Happy Thanksgiving weekend.  Not the weekend I had anticipated but my husband and I have our health and does everyone in our little family.  That’s something to be thankful for. 

I didn’t use a pen or pencil to draw myself just went straight in with the brush and the water soluble graphite.  I put the art supply package in the frame in case someone hasn’t seen this product before.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Neurographic Art

Old prompt-  I was too chicken to colour in my neurographic art I did on the Fabriano Artistico postcards do I did a test in my sketchbook.  Here is my result.

I’m kind of meh about my results but i do like how the ink looks.  I used red violet and turquoise blue acrylic ink.  

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

We got our flu shots today

This is what we did today; we drove into town to my drug store to get our flu shots!  This will be the earliest that I can recall ever getting mine but it is a good thing since the pandemic continues to loom over our heads.  

We sat 6 feet apart and waited our turn. Christine was quite thrilled with my drawing.

My first time at a bar since COVID and with the weather becoming ever cooler this autumn it is likely my last.  I use to go here often for lunch while I still worked because my place of employment was on the next street over.