Tuesday, February 28, 2017

I had to document this in my journal - a sure sign of spring.  My husband and I went for a walk yesterday and this is the best thing that we saw!! The fella up the road has tapped some maple trees! A sure sign that spring is coming!! I so love maple taffy on snow, such a decadent sweet treat!! I can't wait!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Rooster courtesy of Sktchy! 

You may not know this but I love chicken art!! Paint and brush only for the bird and pen for the text.  This dude will become another subject for my next postcard swap! 

Koi watercolours in my Stillman and Birn Gamma sketchbook. I have decided.... I do not like this book; it doesn't lay flat the way a Moleskine does.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

I applied Opera Pink gouache and Noodlers Lexington Grey Watered down ink to my page then used my dip pen to try and get marks on the page. 

Not in love but it is what I did this morning.  I had some bleed through from the previous page so I added the same dots but in pink here. 

Sktchy app birdie; the owner of the photo didn't name the type of bird.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

what we did this afternoon. I have had two gift certificates burning s hole in my pocket since July.  I happily spent them today.  

My best purchase were the metal containers that attach to a hard bound sketchbook.  I'm interested in seeing if I can get one to hold ink do I can use my dip pen.  I got a new Stillman and Birn Epsilon sketch book and a replacement water brush. 

Stopped in for several beverages and dinner at the Indie Ale House. Sweet way to spend s super warm day with lots of sunshine!! 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

I drew and painted the perfume bottle a couple of days ago because it was what I was intending on wearing but I wasn't over the moon with my results.  This morning I didn't have loads of time do I drew and painted the box. It was challenging as well but I was thrilled that I could use my Opera Rose gouache paint.  

On the left, my old Moleskine and on the right my new Stillman and Birn Gamma series.  The jury is still out on the Gamma as I'm only a few pages in.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentines Day to all! This page started with the candy.  I've always had a sweet tooth especially for Rockets!!! 

Then the book page hearts and then the song popped into my head!  I had fun with this one. 

Pen and Koi watercolour in my Moleskine sketchbook!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Day 4/7  - I LOVE the Sktchy app and in preparation for our trip to Spain, I found some architectural photographs to draw and paint! 

This challenging photo is courtesy of Cecil.  If you are on Sktchy look me up and you can see the original reference photo.

I made lots of mistakes but I enjoyed the process regardless. 

Koi watercolour in my regular Moleskine sketchbook. 

Sunday, February 12, 2017

I wasn't feeling the love with my limes at first until I added the cobalt turquoise.  Then I messed it up with too much blue in the shadow. I prefer to draw with pen but no pens were used to make my limes, just a brush with yellow paint!  Still wasn't happy until I added some text of a fun "summer time" song to chase away the winter whites that is the landscape here.

Koi watercolour and Winsor Newton cobalt turquoise in my Moleskine. 

Saturday, February 11, 2017

A friend of mine gave me a bunch of gouache tubes so I made this little palette today from an old chewing gum tin.  It is deep enough for two trays.  I used the gum blister pack as my tray. I put Crayola air dry clay in the bottom to keep the bottom tray snuck so it won't fall out.

In addition, I put several drops of glycerine on each paint tray. 

Friday, February 10, 2017

Off prompt- I went downstairs today to do a quick sketch of "the Beast" or the monster that lives in our basement.  It died last night during one of the worst snow storms this season.  Thankfully the furnace repair dude, who lives nearby, revived it about 2200 hrs. 

He had two more call outs after ours and the roads were nasty. 

I don't know if you can tell but I'm not a fan of the basement. Our house was built in 1892 and the basement was dug out in 1968.  It isn't a finished basement so it is dark and creepy. 

BTW....it is still snowing...I don't know why I bothered to shovel except that I wanted to feed my birdies.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

 when we were in Belize my hubby had a sampler of gibnut stew! Not for me thank you very much! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Thanks #365sketch2017

Yippee! I'm so excited I'm tingling all over!!  Barcelona, Tossa de Mar, and Madrid bound in just over two months - take that nasty winter!!!! 

I got the inspiration for the "selfie" from the travel brochure and added the colours of the Spanish flag. 

Yesterday we got our flights booked and I picked up some "away" money for "just in case". 

Saturday, February 4, 2017

I bought my very first sable brush a Winsor &Newton pointed round. I love how much water it holds.  With thanks to Marc Holmes, tried out some hardly ever used colours to switch things up: moonglow, Quinn gold deep, perylene maroon and indigo!! Next I will have to try 100% cotton paper. This was done in my #Moleskine sketchbook. I realised afterwards that the shirt collar should have matched as it looks to be a "collar and cuff" deal.  I'm not that matchy-poo myself so I ignored it.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

yesterday was s whirl of traveling home! So I will post several from yesterday and then today's. 

The dive shop and dock at our hotel in San Pedro Belize 

while waiting for our first flight of the day, we had our last rum punch and a hot dog at Jets Bar.  It is the only premise in the little Belize City airport that serves food.