Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Sktchy face

Today’s Sktchy face! Drawn with Pentel brush pen and painted with gouache on a mono print in my Sketchbook 

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

I love colour, yes I do!!

Just playing with  Sktchy.

Thanks to Tara for today’s inspiration; it looks like she could have been celebrating at a Diwali festival. I got derailed this morning and ended up with this two page spread. This is the last page of my Moleskine that has been sitting unused for over a week.  I flipped it open and was determined to use it “no matter what”!!   I had created the background using my mono-printing plate and some Lyra watercolour crayons and slapping my book down on the page. Then I found this inspirational photo, happy that I accepted the challenge. 

If your wondering.... I love colour!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Sometimes I can’t help it

Good dog

My Sktchy face is a doggie on a gel-print in my handmade sketchbook.  Lyra waTercolour crayons. I like how the print peeks through the white parts of the dogs hair. 

Thursday, May 24, 2018

1919 Ford Model T Speedster

Our neighbour up the road stopped in to show us his new ride. Only three were ever made.  He will be entering a race stateside later this summer.

Today’s Sktchy face

I worried about creating her beautiful hair and trying to get a decent skin tone; then I felt myself mucking it up, so I quit.  Portrait on a previously prepared background of FW acrylic ink in Indian yellow with a drop of crimson.  Pentel brush pen and gouache 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Light and dark

Thanks Luis for the photo and Maanvi for the tip.  This is a mono-printed page I did last summer, in addition to some orange spray over a fern.  For some inexplicable reason I added the black lines to the page.  Oh well, a good time as any to use the page for a drawing. #May21 #risedraw

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Rise and Draw “Sktchy app” face

Oh man, I wish I still smoked! It will be four years and I still miss it! Thanks for the tip and for the cool photo! I used a previously prepared page that had a little bit of acrylic paint and acrylic ink all over it.  Kept to the same two colours except for “the dart”! To accentuate he hair I used a purchased stencil.  #gouache #risedraw #may20 Yippee now I can have some brunch since I don’t smoke anymore. 

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Missouri Meerschaum

I thought I would use the sketchbook I made earlier this month.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Recycled envelope

I had fun cutting and pasting these envelopes from magazine pages.  These are from a free magazine that is distributed in our area!  Regardless if their beginnings I think they are interesting and I would love to receive one in the mail!

My favourite is the green one! 

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Perked Coffee #2

This on is being mailed to a woman in Germany today , I hope she likes it!

Pen, marker, watercolour and gouache on Fabriano Artistico 100% hot press cotton 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Spring Scent

Another postcard ready for mailing going to Michelle in Fort Wayne Indiana USA. This really is a nice spring scent. 

Mixed media on Strathmore 100% cotton 140 lb postcard. Pen drawing, watercolour and stamped with ink pad ink through some stencils. I got to use my metallic paints again that were gifted to me by Marta from Florida, 

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Montage of my day

Perked Coffee

Still working on postcards.  This one was mailed out this morning.  The other day I was sorting through our camping equipment and saw our old coffee percolator. Thought I should draw it.  It has been well used and blackened by the camp fire and makes the best tasting coffee ever! 

Fabriano Artistico 100% cotton hot press postcard. 

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Forgot to take photos and post

I mailed my batch of cards for my Sketchbook Skool Karen xchange group anc I think I forgot to photograph them! Bummer! 

These are for the iHanna postcard swap.

This one is going to a woman in Denmark!

I love that the “envelope is made by recycling a cereal box and gluing the art to the back.  Love to recycle!!

Monday, May 7, 2018

Spring card exchange-1

I’m behind on my projects so after a bit of cleanup I jumped back in this afternoon. 

Ready for mailing.  Strathmore  100% cotton postcard. Pen, watercolour (Quin Gold), stamp pad ink, ink spray and a wee bit bit of collage.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Estimated restoration is tomorrow at 2300 hrs!!!

This is how we have been living without power!!!  We are making do and happy that the generator we bought can handle the freezer and the sump pump.  Thank goodness the basement is still dry and we haven’t lost our furnace due to the rising water.  I’m so glad it has stopped raining and if we are lucky it might not rain again until power is restored.   Friday nights storm has caused lots of outages around the province.

Pen, markers and watercolour in my Moleskine! 

Generating Perspective

Day 2- no power! I managed to create a page.

Our generator failed so we had to go to town to buy a new one with a heavier wattage.  Had to some assembly that took some time.  We are using the water from the sump pump to flush the toilet so I sat to draw while I waited for the water to spill out of the pipe. Different perspective of our house that I have never drawn before.  A bit wonky but I’m good with it. 

Epicentre of storm

We don’t have power so unable to post but we are in town getting stocked up on propane 

Here’s my page from Friday night! We were at the epicentre of storm that took our power out!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Building a character

Thanks Nina Rycroft for your wonderful instructional video and accompanying documents.  I did my little sketches here while listening to you.  I would like to have drawn the fox as I saw one yesterday afternoon heading home with a plump black squirrel in its mouth!  However, I liked the notion of working with a flat oval shape and scribbled that on my page and ended up fleshing out this potential character and storyline. 

Thanks again, this was a truly fun process to this point.

Brown and blue pencils and black pen in my Moleskine