Friday, February 28, 2025

January Thaw in February

We had a day of sunshine (on Wednesday) that brought me hope!  However, it was short lived but I made this double paged spread because of it!  I found some previously painted flowers on a sheet of thin watercolour paper, added ink lines and cut them out.  Wasn’t “in love” with them so it took me a bit to think of how to use them.  Made a vase from the left over paper; covered the vase with fancy duct tape and stuck it all down on a page in my sketchbook!  Perfectly acceptable flowers in a vase. They are glued down in the vase but loose above so they are casting a shadow. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

With help from a friend

This 2 page spread is all about documenting the SNOW!  I started digging the path out for the oil delivery dude 4 days ago (it took me 2 days as I had other commitments).  Delivery was yesterday- finally!!! I didn’t want it to snow again and then I would have to do this work all over again. The snow fall this year has surpassed all expectations and the most seen for about a 100 years! We have never had to have the garage roof or kitchen cleared in all the years we have lived here! Anyway, here is a little map of our front yard. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Snow and purple things

I have been thinking about other things that I like that are purple.  Here are a few others.  I’m sick of snow, yes it is beautiful and all that but I’m tired of shovelling and my body is sore.  But it seems there is more coming. Ugh! 

We had to cancel travelling to visit our family for the Family Day long weekend.  What a bummer! 

You can see our snow blower dude plastering my Bertha with snow. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Our porcupine Neighbour

The first time we saw the porcupine in this cedar tree he/she was about 30 feet up, today he was only 10 feet up.  He wasn’t bothered by me at all.   Bertha is parked farther out from the tree.  I had to put her back in her normally parking spot because our snow blower dude will be coming by early in the morning.  We are waiting for another major snow dumping by Mother Nature.  I’ve put a photo down in the comments. You can see his eye and paw!! 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

A delicious libation

I must admit that I thoroughly enjoyed my favourite tipple!  I’ve saved this one for a special occasion and this is definitely a most special time in my life.  The botanical flavours are certainly unique.  The purple colouring in the bottle turns a pale pink with the addition of the tonic water.  I love the fact that the tonic has some maple syrup in it!!  Delicious! Cheers!! 


Friday, February 7, 2025

I’m in remission

On Tuesday evening, I received a call from my oncologist who told be he had good news: I’M IN REMISSION!!   Yippee!  Yesterday, we went to town and I saw my surgeon.  He told me the same; my scan last month was clear, no regrowth of the tumour. 

Tonight, I will be enjoying an “adult” beverage to celebrate! 

This is the lights in the stairwell at the cancer centre at the Royal Victoria Hospital!