For me UFO's mean unfinished projects! I finally finished these two necklaces! I am really stoked about that fact too! They are both "beaded" using a needle and thread!
The one one the left is a spiral rope and I will be giving it to my grand-daughter! The "leftover" necklace or bead soup one is for me!

I forgot to post this when we visited our family in Toronto last week. My hubby and I stopped in at the Fox and the Fiddle so he could have a "beverage". I forgot my sketchbook so I did this sketch on the back of a table top beer advertisement.
Not the best but I am happy that at least I got to practice drawing in an urban setting especially with the bike covered up with snow. There were lots of these bikes on the street like this. Way too much snow for anyone to ride so I would expect they are using city transit until the streets clear up.
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