YIt is a winter white again here in the great white north so I'm playing with watercolour brush markers and tea bags to make a star. Well....almost a star!!! Need to finagle with this a bit more. A friend
on FB tagged me and shared a video of an art teacher making them from white paper bags. I don't have any but that is no problem, I can still have fun and give it a go using an alternative. I left some of the bags to dry on my sketchbook so I can have a background started for something later!
I had to go to town to pick up a book I had put on hold since the library couldn't find it the last time I was there. I thought I would stop and pull over to draw a barn I like. A police crusier pulled along side of me and recommended that I move along for safety concerns on a light traffic day. So it seems I will never get a chance to finish my drawing!