Thursday, May 26, 2016

My mothers featherweight sewing machine

I learned how to see on his machine and made my clothes all during high school years on it. 

So happy I had a chance to draw I this week. 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Trillium is now in full bloom

Wow! It took an age for this single trillium to flower! The red ones are almost done so I'm happy that this bloom finally blossomed!!

Still working on creating portraits on Sktchy.  Here are two:

Meet Donna. 

Meet Kate.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Postcard art swap

Working on art cards for a swap and made this up using the inspirational idea from Tracey Fletcher King and her art!! I wasn't sure I was going to be able to pull this one off without starting over again (ugh!!!) but I am calling it done! I hope the recipient likes it.

Used ink and watercolour on the collaged book page drawing of the tea cup. Then ink, marker and acrylic paint fir the background.

What s freezing cold day here in central Ontario!  I had to break out the Keen socks to keep my feet warm. There were even some snow flurry action this afternoon! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Face-a-day project for Sketchbook Skool

I have been drawing a face a day but not posting so .... Here they are so far...

This one was in my queue over at Sktchy

This next one is a fellow klassmate at Sketchbook Skool.  She made this face specifically for the klass this week! 

This one is also a fellow student but the photo is from the Sktchy app. 

I did this one this morning to satisfy two groups, the Sketchbook Skool homework for Nelleke Verhoeff of Red Cheeks Factory and the Every Day in May art group! 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Pine Cone

I found s pine cone on my walk yesterday so I decided to draw it on an unloved book page. Then I slapped some paint and other stuff and stuck it down. Not happy really but I'm moving on, the next page is calling out to be filled. 

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Drink and Draw

We were in the big city to be with family. We had s chance to stop by this restaurant for s beverage of two.  My hubby had oysters while I drew and painted the draft beer taps. My version of drink and draw.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Mothers Day Tulip

My grand-daughter gave me a tulip for Mothers Day! It was fresh picked from the backyard! Sweet! It makes me smile! 

Friday, May 6, 2016

I love the Sktchy app

I don't have lots of time to draw from this app but it is lots of fun when I do. I usually draw animals but our artist instructor uses Sktchy for warm up practice. 

I tried this guy who has been in my queue for quite some time. I needed to draw him.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Sketching at the council meeting

These are all the current council members. The item of interest to me was a ways down in the agenda so I spent my time sketching! 

Not terrific likenesses but it passed the time! 

My apologies to the Queen! I was just too far away to get a good likeness!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Visual journal and a postcard

This is my quick visual art journaling for yesterday! 
I just need to glue this postcard up and she will be ready for the note and addressing the envie!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Making postcards for s swap!

I am often late because I am a procrastinator. I joined an international postcard swap and my cards need to be mailed out this week. Not sure that I am going to be on time once again. However, I do in fact mail all mine out. 

Unfortunately that is not the case for others. Often I only get back 8 of the 10!! It is what it is....I would rather exchange art than not even if others don't follow through!! 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Bird Song

Yesterday I used a music note stamp on my page and slapped the leftover  ink on the next page too. This morning, I went out to feed my feathered friends and I could hear the cardinal singing to his mate. It seemed appropriate to draw him here. I used a reference photo in my queue over in the Sktchy app for the drawing. He is the same guy that poops on my car😡

Hmm, now that I see it here I think I will add some green over the blank white area -or- maybe not. I hate adding something and then hating it.  I know that this is just in my sketchbook and I shouldn't agonise over it but..... I do! 

I really like this unloved book page "mask". I used Art Graf water soluble graphite and Uniball pen. I added wash tape on the inside so the mask opens like a door and I Journalled underneath. I took this ohito before that though.