Sunday, August 30, 2020

Another Selfie Sunday

Here is another one for Selfie Sunday!!  I used Lyra Aquacolor crayons, Caron D’Ache Neocolor II water soluble crayons and a Junior Cray-Pas oil pastel on Strathmore 400 series black mixed media paper.  

Well this is a first for me....working with the water soluble crayons as my medium.  I’m sure I could have spent more time on it but thought I’d best leave well enough alone. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

It’s the season for corn on the cob

I had to laugh when we were talking at the dinner table, my hubby and are are opposites in this regard. 

Of course, this page says more about me since typewriters are a “vintage” machine that I use to know so well.  We had a love/hate relationship! 

Anyway, I had fun trying to figure out how to render this idea on the page! 

Friday, August 21, 2020

Farewell RAV4

This is what we did today, we drove an hour north west to a smal city along the shores of Georgian Bay.  Sadly we didn’t see anything in town but we took the scenic route to get there.  I normally drive everywhere so I took the opportunity to drew the inside of his old vehicle since it was its last trip!  Farewell RAV4!! 

I painted it when we got home but got tired of all the black and grey.   I was able to sneak in my knees and a slice of my sketchbook.  

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Got chya

Our house was built in 1892 so it isn’t sealed up like newer homes.  This is what happened today, it was momentous occasion and I just had to document it!  Pen, watercolour and gouache in my handmade sketchbook. 

No pencil was used first; went in with pen and I’m ignoring all my mistakes.  I think my point is clear. 

Ginger root dog

My granddaughter called this drawing a puppy!! I’m taking a class with Carla Sonheim and this prompt was to create something from a ginger root! Luckily I traced it before it was used.  I kind of like the dog that I found.

Sealing watercolour painting

I didn’t know about this but thought you might be interested.  

I like to send artful snail mail and most of the time I have mail it out in an envelope because it is watercolour and I’m afraid it might become damaged in transit.  This would work too if you wanted to frame and hang an artwork without the cost (and trouble) of getting glass cut. I saw this somewhere on Utube: they used Gamblin cold wax medium.  I don’t have that so I used what I did have........Dorland’s wax medium.  Yes it does work, this little trial piece is sealed.  I used pen with watercolour over the top for this test piece.  I had used some copper metallic paint too and as expected it became matte under the wax.  I know it is obvious but I needed to try.  I cleaned off the water and watercolour paint without harm to the painting below.

Monday, August 17, 2020


This page took a long time to complete. I drew the coyote from a Pixabay reference after it happened. Then..... I had to figure out how I wanted to depict this on the page.   Anyway this spread evolved very slowly.  That night I thought the coyotes were really close to the house. The leader kept calling them and the pack was yipping and yelping and then there was silence.  We have seen skat in the laneway many times but there wasn’t any when I looked the next day. 

I heard the coyotes yipping the other day as well........during the day!!  Very unusual!! It took a few more seconds and I heard an ambulance siren and put it together.  We don’t hear ambulances much in the boondocks. 

I used Liquitex acrylic gouache in my Moleskine sketchbook. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

Drawing Vehicles

Here is my Draw with Me page.  My vehicles aren’t fabulous but they are all recognizable as vehicles.  I had pulled out my cheap craft paints  earlier and drew with the brush only for the bus on some cheap paper.  I collaged it into my Moleskine afterwards.  It was fun; my very first bus! I really struggled with the others but enjoyed the process.  It has been awhile since I have used my Pentel brush pen, I had forgotten how much fun it is! 

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Poodle card

Thinking’s about making a card to send to my granddaughter!  With thanks to the Sktchy app for the inspiration.  I’m glad I did a prototype since I think I will change my colour palette and switch to gouache. 

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Drawing the cottage

We are finally spending time with our family!!! We have not been together since March and this never happens! This is a drawing of the cottage we rented!  Definitely wonky but I’m okay with it!  My granddaughter wants to colour it but I thought I would get a snap first.  Micron in my Moleskine sketchbook. 

Self portrait Sunday

We are enjoying spending time with the family for the first time since March! This self portrait is on an index card and it is from memory since there is only one mirror in the cottage and it is in use! Water soluble Pentel pen, Staedtler markers and Junior cray-pas oil pastels. 

Drawing “Kings” who look ordinary

Finally had a chance to take a snap and post! I was working on another project so I used the acrylic gouache paint that I had left on my palette.  I didn’t get time to get all of my kings painted in the time allotted but happy with what I did accomplish. Thanks Danny, this was fun!