Sunday, August 27, 2023

Mundane moment

Many may know that I usually draw and paint the little mundane moments in my everyday life.  I don’t think there is anything more mundane than kleenex.  

I still can’t believe that the word will soon be removed from the Canadian  lexicon and be replaced by “facial tissue”.  Ugh! 

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Christmas in August

If it’s Friday then it is have a treat day in the form of a liquid libation!  We stopped at the Moose Lodge to pick up our turkey dinners - Christmas in August!  What a treat to have someone else do the cooking!  It is good simple food.  The Moose Lodge is a service club that was founded in the States in 1888. Money from the dinners go to boys and girls clubs. 

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Autumn leaves

I drove to town yesterday by way of a country road instead of a busy highway.  It was a pleasant drive until I saw something that I didn’t want to see - not yet! It’s too early for me.  
Can you see the source of my anguish!?
I think I’m going to have put some blinders on until fall actually arrives. 

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Tornado warning

Environment Canada fanned out a mobile warning on my husband’s phone (what a racket!!!) warning of a potential tornado in our area.  It took 10 whole minutes for me to get the announcement.  I’ll be getting a new phone very soon because my battery keeps heating up!  

A couple of minutes later the rain started, then the deluge began.  It lasted for 45 minutes.  I’ve never seen sheets of water coming off our metal roof before.  This has been our wettest summer ever!!!

Then it occurred to me that there are 40,000 phones at the music festival north of us.  They would all have received the same alert with the same annoying ringing!  From what I understand, the fans were satisfied because Keith Urban ended up playing later.  Still, I can’t imagine sleeping in a tent after all that rain! 

There is something on the left I didn’t like so I put a piece of tracing paper over it.  Then I added watercolour overtop and that made it buckle. It doesn’t look great in the photo but I’m not bothered.  I probably should have left well enough alone. 

Just if you’re wondering it’s been raining off and on all morning.  The sun is trying to break free from the dirty grey clouds but so far without success. 

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Goodbye Cough Syrup

I should preface my comments with this is just my own opinion based on my taste buds.  Your taste buds are likely very different.  I’ve decided to get rid of a few part bottles that I’m not interested in finishing.  I had originally thought I might change my mind about this “beverage” but no, it still tastes like cough syrup so it has to go!   I really wish that we could get a taste test of beverages at the LCBO (liquor Control board of Ontario) so I could have saved myself some money.  
Sorry Vicky, I like your other products but not this one. 

Friday, August 11, 2023

Turnip Pickles

I finally broke down and decided to document this bit of nonsense.  My husband made some pickles last week. It still makes me laugh when I think about it.  He asked me if I wanted to try some!  Nope, that is a “NO” thank you very much.  He knows that is my answer when he gets my no uncertain terms reply “Are you married to me??!”  Yes, he has heard that response before to some other silly questions. 

So these do look pretty in their red brine but I’m not fooled, we have been married 44 years and I know he would love to convince me these are edible.  Any guesses out there on the type of pickle this is????!!

Wednesday, August 9, 2023


Sometimes I too just run out of steam and I find that once I stop posting my work it just gets easier to not post at all.  Yesterday I wasn’t “feeling it” but I recall a video put out by Tammy Garcia of Daisy Yellow Art.  I decided I wanted this particular colour palette (don’t know why).  Anyway I threw some paint on my page and added more with an old hotel key card.  I’m just glad I did something in my book.  Turning the page moving on.