My creative journey! Playful use of photograpy, multimedia fibre art, drawing and acrylics painting.
Monday, May 31, 2021
3 new sketchbooks
I started these sketchbooks a month ago and I gave up when I hit a snag in my thread and a nasty knot. Yesterday, I tore it out and started again. Before Christmas (when our stores were open), I stopped in to our local art supply shop and found a clearance sale on full sheets of Fluid 140 lb hot press paper. I prefer a smooth hot press surface for pen, pencil crayons and watercolour. It is cellulose paper but I am happy to use it for every day. The smaller landscape sketchbook is the left over off cuts from another sketchbook. I did use a paper pad for the “book board” because I like to recycle and I used silver gift wrap from a gift I got from my hubby. I bought the stickers from Redbubble because I like to put art on the outside too. I haven’t got a sticker for the big red one yet. The red and the black sketchbooks are unloved books that I was going to take to the charity shop but they are still closed here in Ontario. I cut the text block out and replaced it with my own. I used the kettle stitch to bind my signatures into a new text block. Phew done!

Sunday, May 30, 2021
A J Casson
My tribute to A J Casson member of Canada’s beloved Group of Seven. I followed a free “paint-a-long” with Artists Palette Durham on Utube. White Pine originally painted in oil circa 1957. My version is done in acrylic.
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Purple Tulips
I haven’t used these watercolour tubes in quite awhile and thought I would try using them in a different way. Japanese watercolours use a different binder that sometimes leaves a shiny film so I thought gesso would be a good idea. I liked the result.
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
An Iconic Canadian coffee shop
My husband had a very early appointment in town this morning (hand surgery) so I dropped him off and immediately went to get my first morning cup at Tim’s. We are still under COVID restrictions so I decided to sit out in my car to enjoy my cup of coffee. While I was sipping I drew and painted the building at the Duckworth Plaza. It looked like it might rain; it did for a few minutes and that was it. Pen, pencil crayons and watercolour in my handmade sketchbook. 
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
The lazy Farmer Barn
I use to drop in and poke around this barn that sold antiques and collectibles. I never bought much because the prices were set for tourists. I quit visiting for awhile and I see now that the house and barn are abandoned. It looks to be a parking lot for trucks and other large equipment. Oh well it was sunny and warm yesterday and perfect for drawing. I used a Tombow marker, pencil crayons, pen and my Kuretake Gansai Tambi travel set. I forgot that the binder for the paint isn’t gum arabic; so some of the areas that have a thick application of paint are shiny. Ugh! Don’t like that at all but I do like the palette. 
Monday, May 24, 2021
Lilac bouquet
My husband cut some lilacs and brought them in. Oh the scent is absolutely lovely.
I bought some of these markers and thought I’d use them to see what they are like. They remind me of highlighters really. No matter, I made a drawing.
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Simple Dimple
Our granddaughter surprised me this morning by calling before her music lesson. I followed her instructions and made the paper and tape “simple dimple” fidget toy. Yup, I know my daughter will be rolling her eyes at this useless activity but I don’t care; we spent 40 minutes together without interruption. I tried to draw her but she never seen sits still so I made a representation to document our time together. It made me smile and it uplifted my spirits!!
I like the way that the “cobalt turquoise” gouache paint I mixed up turned out.
Saturday, May 22, 2021
New Sandals and a COVID test
Non-essential stores are still closed here in Ontario so I had to order some new sandals on-line. Super happy with them and the speed of delivery.
We were in town doing our weekly shop yesterday so we made a short detour to the testing centre. My hubby is having some surgery done to repair some nerve issues in his had so he had to get a COVID-19 test done. He doesn’t relish having that done again.
Victoria Day weekend
In Canada we begin the Victoria Day long weekend. Or, fondly referred to as May Two-four weekend. It is our first long weekend that denotes summer fun and a case of 24 of beer (bottles or cans) quenches the thirst! I took this photo in my travels on some country roads last week and was thrilled to see this house with the red truck and fence. I had to make it wonky to fit it in on the page.
Friday, May 21, 2021
Happy Fence Post Friday
Happy Fence Post Friday everyone and all the best this May Two-Four weekend! For everyone who isn’t Canadian, a 2-4 is a box of beer; 24 bottles or cans to satisfy your thirst for our first long weekend of the summer!! We are still under restrictions but at least golf courses will be open tomorrow. Stay safe.
Obviously, I couldn’t ignore the bright facade of this building and look it has a fence! I wonder what it will become in its next incarnation.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Ontario re-opening Plan
No prompt- so we can finally play golf or tennis on Saturday but that is it! Our Premier wants 60% of Ontario residents to get vaccinated to go to step one in June 14 of his 3 step plan. We are currently at 58% of the population have our first dose so we should be able to get there by June 14. Non-essential stores can open with 15% capacity; I bought a pair of sandals on line! Anyway, my notes are horrid and do us my drawing of the Premier, I’ve improved his looks! 
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Mail Art Postcard
No prompt- this is a mail art postcard that didn’t quite turn out as I had anticipated. That’s okay, it’ll be put out in the mail next week.
I used brown ink and hadn’t thought out in advance what colour I should use for the text. I realize now, I would have preferred red text on dark blue or black.
Monday, May 17, 2021
My page from this morning. A few minutes ago we saw our first hummingbird!! So very thrilled!
I watched Felix Scheinberger earlier this morning make art on IGTV. So loved this quote and I think it is worth writing down. I love his art and was thrilled to have this chance to catch him today.
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Tudhope Park
Today was so darn gorgeous with sunshine and 24C. I so loved the sounds of summer that I heard today: kids asking for tiger tail ice cream, seagulls crying and the thrum of Harleys and Hondas driving by.
Lots of mistakes made but that is okay, I went directly in with pen.
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Here is our knickknack that literally fell off the shelf. My hubby has located the gorilla glue do it will eventually be put back where it belongs. I don’t know why I’m doing the fixing since he is the one who broke it! He is also the one that found it and dug it up. I have no idea how old this trinket is but it has to be vintage at the very least. Farmers use to bury some of their unwanted items in behind barns or sheds. This is before curbside garbage removal. It isn’t worth anything but since our house was built in 1892 I just think about the fact that it belonged to someone who use to live in this house a long time ago. 
Friday, May 14, 2021
Travel art kit
I’ve been asked to show what I use for my travel art kit. The items on the left, the water, collapsed water dish (Faber Castell) and pen/pencil pouch stay in my car. The sketchbook goes everywhere with me (this one or my handmade one). The travel toothbrush tube holder holds seven pencils (watercolour and a charcoal Inktense pencil) and the tiny candy tins act as my paint palettes; they stay in my purse.
The sketchbook is by Etchr Lab and I purchased it with 100% cotton hot press paper 140 lbs. This one is smaller than my handmade sketchbook (it has hot press paper in it too).
Weber’s Hamburgers
My hubby had some business in town yesterday so I hopped in my car and went for a drive. It was a glorious sunny day and the temperatures were perfect at 20C!! I stopped and got a coffee at Starbucks on the highway (first time this year). It is located beside a well known hamburger joint so I decided to park my car in their lot and drink my coffee. Normally the line up is excessively long but we are still under “stay at home orders” so there were only a few people waiting in line. What I recall the most about this place (besides the burgers) is the footbridge that was brought up from Toronto so that people wouldn’t attempt to cross the very busy divided highway to buy a burger and fries! The highway is a route from the cities to the south to cottages in the north! It is the only privately owned bridge to span a provincial highway here in Ontario. It is the orange structure to the left. A young couple, who were getting back into their car beside me, made some nice comments about my page (socially distanced of course!). They asked if I was selling it or just doing it for fun! Yup, this is definitely just for fun!
Thursday, May 13, 2021
My favourite adult beverage
This is my favourite adult beverage!! I’m looking forward to having a glass tomorrow. It is a nifty indigo colour in the bottle bordering on purple and when tonic water is added it turns a lovely pinkish purple!! This beverage is inspired by the Empress Hotel, Victoria, BC (British Columbia). I checked their website www dot empressgin dot com and found that they ship to the US and Europe via Amazon Prime and through other sites as well. When my stock gets low, I have to replenish my supply at the big LCBO (liquor control board of Ontario) in the bigger city to the south.
I used pencil crayons, gouache, and ink.
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Evening grosbeak
Look who stopped by this morning! I just got back home from getting my teeth cleaned and I t is late afternoon now; I looked out again now and I see two of them. I wonder if they might stick around fit a bit before they head on to their summer home!
Mothers Day bouquet
I used pencil crayons for my drawing. I tried to capture my vintage scalloped edge of the vase without success. I think I should have used a neutral background but I didn’t so it is what it is. I hated the flatness of the background so I added more water and paint. Not completely effective but I did like some of the texture I was able to achieve in some of the areas by just splashing on water droplets. 
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Eastern Towee
Today I was looking out over at the bird feeder sipping my coffee when I saw this bird land on the deck. I’ve never seen one of these around the house before or anywhere else for that matter.
Monday, May 10, 2021
Mallard Ducks
I’m still feeding the birds; I was going to stop earlier and before the usual May 24 weekend (Victoria long weekend - the first that signifies the summer season here in Canada)but it is another chilly one so I might have to quit at my usual time. I guess this couple haven’t got their nest set up yet. I’m sure she will be sitting on it soon. 
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Flow Water
We are still under stay at home orders. Yesterday was shopping day and I thought I’d treat myself to this Tetra Pak of collagen infused water. Yup, not a winner in my book. I prefer my water the old-fashioned boring way - fresh from the tap. We are lucky that our water tastes great out of our well and a heck of a lot cheaper! 
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Food Truck
I went for a drive today because it warmed up quite a bit and the sun was shining. I stopped in this village and got a bottle of water! I’ve never tried to draw a food truck before. It isn’t a fab drawing but I’m happy I went in directly with pen. The most interesting thing on the menu was “dill chip poutine”! No, I didn’t order it, I’m not a lover of poutine nor deep fried pickle.
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Pfizer for 12-15
Drawn and painted while watching the news release! This is an important day for so many school aged children and their families. I am hopeful that the age group will soon be reduced so that it will include my granddaughter!!! She like going to school and being with her friends.
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Pastel lemons
Tried something different today! I have a box of 64 colours of cheap mini soft pastels by Mungyo that I have had for eons. I watched a Utube video this afternoon and worked along with artist Natalia Savistina. I did the best I could. Regardless of my results, I had fun and my hands were nice and dirty afterwards. Although your not supposed to wet the pastels, I did use a brush with water to spread the dust around so the particles wouldn’t float around and get all over the place. I had some Inges tinted paper given to me so I thought it was time to use a piece!! I used a chalk pencil in Sepia light for the drawing. And yes, I’ve “fixed it” with hairspray. 
Saturday, May 1, 2021
Purple Panda
This morning, I watched a tutorial with Tamara on her Willowing Utube channel. I thought a purple panda would be perfect for my granddaughter. This is a prototype in my Moleskine journal. I like some things and other areas I don’t. I’ll make changes on the one I make my granddaughter. Here, I used matte craft paint.
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