My creative journey! Playful use of photograpy, multimedia fibre art, drawing and acrylics painting.
Sunday, January 30, 2022
New Snow
I took a class this morning to learn about Edward Munch. He has created so many interesting paintings. I tried to keep up during class time but I ended up finishing it after. I’m glad I did as this isn’t something I would have attempted on my own.
Saturday, January 29, 2022
Found ring box
I was rummaging around the back of a drawer and found a small square box; in it was this silver plate ring “box”. Fabulous! I got my mother’s wedding set and put them in. So nice to see them “married up” once again.
Friday, January 28, 2022
Abstract Landscape
This isn’t drawing but I thought I would post what I have been doing lately. I joined a teabag exchange and I mailed this diptych abstract landscape out to its new home in the UK. The requirement was that we have to a ”alter” two teabags. I wanted to do some “slow stitching” by embroidering on this delicate substrate. I don’t have a vast knowledge of embroidery stitches so most are what I call “stab stitch”; you know, put the needle down and pull it up! I did some French knots and attempted some bullion knots, then used a simple blanket stitch edge to them finish off. It took a couple of days to figure out what to do with them. I just didn’t want to send the loose in the mail. What the heck would she do with them then!!?! An idea came to me, so I glued them down on some heavy watercolour/mixed media paper that I cut to 5 x 7”. If she likes it enough she could pop it into a frame (or not).
This is my first time doing something like this so I’m a little nervous about what she will think of it. I look forward to receiving hers in my mailbox.
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Saturday, January 22, 2022
Olympic Cereal
For the last while, we have been on-line shopping for our groceries and picking them up at the store (which has been good). Now, we have N95 masks so we did our shop in person yesterday. We needed a new box of cereal so I picked this one up. You know your in Canada when the Cheerios box comes with a hockey player on the front! I went through a few of them to find this one with a member of the woman’s team!
Go Canada Go!
Thursday, January 20, 2022
I had an appointment in town today; still miss wearing lipstick and I don’t feel fully “dressed up” without it.
I’ve seen paintings of lipstick tubes on-line that looked fabulous so I thought I’d give it a go. I do wish I had picked a lipstick that was fully round instead of an irregular square’ish one. Oh well, I had a good time making this even if my results aren’t where I would like it to be.
Sunday, January 16, 2022
Selfie Sunday
Good afternoon from chilly central Ontario! It was a balmy -18C when I woke up this morning but we have sunshine so life is good! I’m so happy that it didn’t snow overnight so I don’t have to wear this cotton duck fabric hat to shovel snow. While I was drawing, I had to keep taking it off because my noggin’ was over heating.
Again, I made myself a rule to not use an eraser even though I used my Blackwing Pearl graphite pencil. I know that if I started erasing I would never get this selfie done and I have other projects that need doing today.
I added pencil crayons for a little bit of colour!
Friday, January 14, 2022
Chicken art and CBD cream
Happy Friday everyone! Since I’m a Canuck, I already live by the leaf - the maple leaf that is. This pot store is using the idea a little differently with a double entendre. I haven’t made chicken art recently so added a rooster I found on Pixabay because I think he could extolling the virtues of the product. We’ll see how good it is. My hubby kindly picked this gift up for me!
We have loads of lovely sunshine today and Mother Nature has created some beautiful glittering diamonds on the snow! Life is good when there is sun even when it’s -15C outside.
Thursday, January 13, 2022
This is a sunset at the horse farm a few kms up the road. I wanted to use Prussian Blue again.
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Spirit Catcher
I had a friend ask me to find an iconic photograph for him of the city where we worked. I went to town on a day when the clouds in the sky were very interesting. I shot a few different photographs. He picked this one as his favourite. This sculpture can be found downtown along the waterfront. It is 21 metres high and the quills move in the wind. This work references the iconic indigenous thunderbird. When the exposition was over it was shipped across the country and erected in Barrie.
I’m still using Prussian Blue acrylic paint. I’m realising that I quite like this deep blue colour.
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Sun Moon Stars Perfume
Using Prussian Blue and gesso again. I added a flower pattern in the background using an eraser stamp I made last year.
My husband bought this scent for me as a Christmas present way back in the mid ‘90’s. I do like it although it is a bit heavier than the perfume that I wear now.
Monday, January 10, 2022
Blue lollipop
Prussian Blue lollipop and white gesso!
I’m taking a free class with Connie Solera called Mono-palette. For the month of January we are learning to work with the paint colour Prussian Blue.
I thought the napkin was blue and white but found that it is a kissing cousin leaning towards green.
Not a realistic sucker but close enough for a quick page in my Moleskine journal.
Sunday, January 9, 2022
Red Trillium and some stitching
This will go out in the mail to Germany sometime this coming week;?it all depends on the weather (blizzard conditions right now!). I made so many mistakes with the embroidery and had to a pull it out and start again. It is really delicate work when stitching on paper!!!
Originally I drew this in my journal last spring since it grows wild in the wooded area behind the house. Decided I would paint it again today. I ended up creating two, the other one is going to Japan.
Friday, January 7, 2022
I’ve just woken up from a late afternoon nap. It has been a wierd day after waking up with a searing headache in the middle of the night. I was hospitalized several years ago with a bleeding stomach ulcer so I have to be very careful when I take any medications. Feeling “off” even though my headache has been greatly reduced to almost “but not quite” gone.
I wasn’t really energized to draw but wanted to record this event, so I just used what was at hand, a cheap mechanical Papermate pencil and a paper stomp. After brunch I thought I would add a tiny bit of colour.
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
Fabric Yo-Yo’s
I surprised myself by going down this rabbit hole of the fabric yo-yo! I watched a video on U-tube and then I remembered that I have made some of these in the past but I can’t recall why or when. I’ve added my fabric yo-yo to the photo so you can see “the real deal”!
Have any of you made these too?! I can’t be the only one, I hope not anyway. What did you do with them???!!! Inquiring minds need to know!
Monday, January 3, 2022
Not so Jolly
Well, Wednesday is the start of new restrictions: no indoor dining at bars and restaurants, reduced capacity at essential and non-essential stores. Sadly non emergent surgeries will be put on hold etc etc etc School to close for two weeks and return to on-line learning. And to top it off today gas was $141.9 CDN a litre!!
On a positive note, Mother Nature smiled at us and we had sunshine.
What I liked about this packet is the hot colour and of course the cute name!
Sunday, January 2, 2022
Self Portrait Sunday
Hello everyone, Happy New Year to all!! Here is hoping that 2022 will be better than the last two. It’s been been a long while since I’ve drawn a selfie.
This isn’t my favourite self portrait by any stretch but since I haven’t been practicing portraiture I’m okay with it! In order to reduce fiddling endlessly, I decided to not use an eraser. Then I realised I had made a rookie mistake, I had forgotten to leave a highlight in my eyes so I had to break my own rule.
I used a cheap Papermate mechanical pencil .5mm (not a fan of it as an art making tool), paper stomp #1 and #4, and Tombow Mono Zero eraser.
Done. While drinking my first cup of coffee this morning, I was lamenting the fact that I didn’t really “feel” like drawing a selfie! Yay, I did it!!! I’m glad I got over myself!
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