Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Altered "book" art

I have been mulling a new project in my head. It will be a birthday card for a friend. I'm looking around for inspiration and I think that I have my colours solidified. I found an old Elle Canada fashion magazine. Although it is a fashion magazine it is not clothing that is my source of inspiration. The picture has the colours that remind me of a Bollywood movie; very rich, very vibrant! Suffice to say, I don't want to give too much away at this point.

This was a children's story book and because it had a plasticized cover I have applied some cheesecloth using gesso; I learnt my lesson on my last project! This is the barebones of the "foundation" of the altered book birthday "card". I had some left over paint from another project so I mixed it in with the white gesso. I'm not found of the colour but that is no matter since it doesn't really matter. Next step will be applying some molding paste to the front.

Now that I'm no longer flip flopping on the colour scheme, I can get down to the business of altering the book in preparation for the mixed media art to follow.

I'm told I have a great imagination. The thing is, it all takes time with me, I wish that the inspiration just dropped down from the sky and I knew exactly where I should go next. As I have said in the past, I don't have a "how-to" for these projects. I'm not complaining, I'm just "explaining". I'm on night shift tonight so I will spend a bit more time thinking about the overall project and get a positive direction on where I want to go. Will the next step be a proto-type or will it be the final project? Hmmmm, don't know yet!

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