Thursday, March 8, 2012

Postcard #10 - Pink and Blue

Okay so it has been a few days and I haven't been on line due to a really horrid Rogers tech who didn't know what he was talking about and got me to trash some vital applications from my dock on my MAC.  Luckily, I called Apple and they showed me how to retrieve the app and put it back on my dock from Time Machine.  I have never had to do that before and since I didn't have the internet I couldn't google how to do it either.  I can't understand Rogers not keeping up with the new technology that is not PC related.  Apple is not going anywhere soon so there is no reason that their product development division should keep their heads in the sand by not making their products MAC compatible.  I was told that their product was not compatible with Lion.  I know that they advertise that the new Rocket Stick system requirements is OSX 10.4 or better.  The "or better" is a bunch of hogwash!!!  I mean really, the new Mountain Lion operating system is coming out this summer!  Get with it Rogers!!  Love my time machine and love my Apple Care protection plan!!!

Here are some photo's of my final postcard:

I used a recycled paint product from Tri-Art paints called SLUDGE in a blue shade.  It is the left over paint from their processing plant.  I like to use it under anything that I need a dark base.  I use it on things like picture frames and such like when I want to cover over what was and make something black.  You get the idea! 
I dyed the fancy ribbon pink the same as the left side.  I used screen printing paint since it was the only thing I could find that was the right colour.  I liked how it didn't make the fabric ribbon stiff and I didn't have to apply fabric medium to the paint. 

I think that I like the fact that I decided to leave the painted cheesecloth loose on the card.  In addition, I didn't paint the metal foil either!  This time I like the shininess since there is only a little bit of sparkly stuff on this card so the shiny factor isn't overpowering. 

I think that I might have added more bead and sequin embellishments but I have finalized it and am relatively satisfied with the results.
Here is a close up of detail

I think that these photo's show the progress sufficiently!

For this card I used:

-Strathmore watercolour postcard
-screen printing paint
-recycled paint
-organza and netting
-metal foil

Now, I just need to get the cards stuffed in the envelopes and the addresses completed; then the final walk to the post office!!!

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