Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools

We have been fooled by mother nature!  She has given us warm weather and sunshine and now we have got a mixed bag: snow overnight and rain today.

Here is a doodle that I have been working on over the course of the month!  I enjoy distilling my life, both personal and work wise, on to a single page in this way!  It makes me select those key areas of my life that are either milestones or important in some other way!  I try to put enough drawing in to make it an art form but really I just want to keep a journal of sorts; a record of my journey that is not simply "typed" on a white background.

Maybe this is something that you could do too!!  If you are thinking of trying it, please send me a note or add a comment.

The month of March in review includes:

  •  listening to a new podcast on my iPod!  I really like this one!  

  • I am really upset that Kraft salad dressings no longer include low calorie French.  It seem it has been "de-listed" - Whaaaaat the heck!!!!????  Don't they know that I have a yen for French the last few weeks and now it is simply unavailable...say that is not so, please?!!!  

  • My opinion about Rogers has changed.  I thought they were on the ball and I found out the hard way that they have a bunch of people working for them that have NO CLUE!  I shouldn't be surprised since we employee the same sort.  The 20 - 35 year olds who think that they are "ENTITLED" to anything they want.  This means that they also think that THEY KNOW IT ALL!   Technical services technician are a especially full of themselves there; I was told that the Rogers Rocket stick doesn't work on my MAC Lion operating system.  Whaaaa??!  I have been using it all along and loaded on Lion a year ago with no problems.  The technicians are so dim with regards to Apple that they did not even know that Mountain Lion will be coming out this summer.  So, how many other MAC people have they told to remove the connection manager from their applications list??  I know now that I know more about my system that their dimwitted technicians.  
What will I be working on this month? This month I will be working on a new "mixed media fibre art" birthday postcard for another friend.  I think that I will make three the same or similar because when I finish one, I like it so much that I regret that I have to give it away.  That negative feeling will be solved if I make more than one.  I think that I have her fibre art birthday card all figured out in my head.  I spent a bit of time this afternoon getting my materials together in the colour palette of choice - blue!! 

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