Thursday, May 19, 2011

What is this?

Since my dad had taken ill again and has now been diagnosed with a terminal cancer, I haven't been spending as much time on-line or doing any sort of art. I've got to clean out his apartment, make sure he is properly taken care of , pay his bills and that sort of thing. It is a lot of responsibility. He has made some specific requests as to what he wants at his funeral and I am not sure just how to go about it. The piper is easy as there is a local pipes and drums corp that do play at funerals. It is the pall bearers that I am having some difficulties with. I have no idea who to contact at the local armed forces base to ask if they can send 6 men and perform a community service for a 91 year old retired serviceman.

I was trawling the internet last night and came across a photograph of what was likely a ceiling to a church or some other historical type building. I think my drawing looks a bit like a spider web and I wonder if the design was created originally from that motif. However, I had a few minutes of time so I made a sort of "zentangle" of the photograph. Now that I look at it and if I was to imagine myself as being "very small" and looking up at a ceiling; now I can "see" that it indeed could be a ceiling of a church. Having said that, I am also looking at it with a different perspective. What other ways could this pattern, this motif be used? Would it lend itself to a rendition in fibre art or a mixed media piece? Hmm... I think there are certainly possibilities.

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