Saturday, October 29, 2011

Art Class

On a whim I called to see if there were any spots left for an art class on painting techniques at the MacLaren Art Centre in town.  There were!!  I was so very excited!  I have had two weeks of class on acrylic painting and I look forward to the oil painting instruction that we will be having for the next two weeks. I have never worked in oil and I'm not so sure that I will like it.   Having said that, it is the what the impressionists used.  The instructor says that oil is very different to acrylic and I sensed that she preferred it over other forms of art.  I have checked around the house to find rags; no clean up with water when it comes to oil paint.

We had to select some pictures and I chose one that I took back in March; an early morning sunrise!!  Here is a pastel rendition of it from my sketchbook.

Okay so this isn't the "exact" picture that I used; I used this because it was the only one that I had already watermarked.  I will be very interested to see what happens when I paint this in oil.  I haven't had the time to take some snaps of my acrylic work but I would like to wait until the end of the oil work.  I want to see if I can improve my painting skill and improve upon the end result.  Looking forward to that!

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