Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy Canada Day!!

I have been a bit negligent with this blog so I will endevour to keep up as much as I can this month!!

We were busy at work last night but not really as busy as I had anticipated!  Regardless, I am glad that I am not working overtime again tonight!

I was able to complete a mixed media "doodle" of sorts especially for the occasion!  This is certainly not my favourite doodles for Canada Day but it is the one that I did this year ..... so be it, here it is!!!

 I had fun doing this doodle because it kept me awake during the slow times.  I had some cheap dollar store tape with me and so I used it as a border.  The stuff is so awful that it is hard to remove it from the roll in one, I just "went with it"!!!! 

Then when I came home this morning, I was resting in my car after working all night and glanced out the window.  This is what I am calling my Canada Day bunny!!!!  Very cute, almost as cute as my grand-daughter!

1 comment:

  1. I love the drawing with the black and white and red. It is very funky and beautifully detailed. Gorgeous and fun work.
