I loved the potato-toed shoes and for some reason they popped into my head today.
My creative journey! Playful use of photograpy, multimedia fibre art, drawing and acrylics painting.
Friday, December 31, 2021
Thursday, December 30, 2021
A bit of this and that at Christmas
No prompt - This one was a few days in the making. Finally finished it on the morning we are heading home.
I wish I would have been more thoughtful when I glued down the gift wrap trees. Oh well, it doesn’t really matter, I really just wanted to fill up the page.
I can’t recall the last time we played Monopoly; my husband gave it to our granddaughter as a gift. I don’t I have ever read the actual rules or how-to play but we did this time to familiarise ourselves.
I had no idea that there were hair cutting videos on line. I have never heard of a “flow bee”! It was very entertaining to me although my daughter found that she learned something new!
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Backyard Fire Pot
When the lockdown started last year, my daughter bought this drum like gizmo as a fire pot. They have a cement patio in their backyard so the fire pot is safe. Yesterday the weather was relatively warm (2C) so it was good to hang out outside. It would be great to cook chicken breasts etc on it too!
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Christmas Day
I am a very lucky woman and received some awesome gifts this year! My granddaughter is so thoughtful and made me a potpourri jar! My son-in law gave me the fun journal and coffee, my daughter gave me the new shoes and my hubby gave me the gouache set! How freaking fabulous are all these?!! They were fun to draw and paint.
I hope everyone is able to be with their their family and enjoying the day!
Friday, December 24, 2021
Eventful Day
Yesterday was an eventful day. I felt so bad for our little Chick-a-dee. Birds have hit the window before but this is the first to die.
Our furnace konked out so we woke up to a freezing house at 4 am. Put wood in the wood furnace and kept the house warm until the repair man came and installed a new part. Furnace is back on and heating up the house!
Packed the car up, and headed south to be with our family. They took their “rapid tests” and they were all negative! Yay! So glad our daughter bought some before they were so coveted but they go fast at this time of year.
I tried rather unsuccessfully to write a haiku!
Thursday, December 23, 2021
Sewing kit
I wanted to be a good girl guide and be prepared “just in case”! Sometimes our granddaughter wants me to help with some sewing so I gathered up some things to be ready.
I wanted to keep it small and light so I wound the thread on some cardboard cut outs that looks like the embroidery floss ones I’ve seen by stitchers. I have black, navy, beige and white. It took me an age to get them unfolded and now I can’t figure out how to put them back!
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Playing around with money
I followed a Draw with Me -Money with Danny Gregory and Sketchbook School.
I added a bit of imagination
Sunday, December 19, 2021
It’s a Wrap
No prompt- Wrapping up the wrap!!! Almost finished Christmas presents wrapping for this year. I spaced them out over a few days.
First of all, at first glance, I thought this said, “Oh behave”! So silly of me. This bread bag is going to our son-in-law; he makes some delicious loaves in the bread maker they bought during lockdown. I’m totally thrilled that someone thought to make this useful product and that it is made locally (20 kms south of us)! I think this is my favourite find for this year!!
I can’t open this; to chicken to slide the paper sleeve off in case I wouldn’t be able to put the genie back in the bottle. So I just used the same colours and simulated some of the botanical images.
Saturday, December 18, 2021
I think I’ll be wearing this perfume for the next little bit! I like the Christmas vibe of the bottle, I know it’s mostly about the colour. I do like the scent of this perfume especially since it is a floral with patchouli! 
Friday, December 17, 2021
What happened?
I’ve seen this red squirrel before and thought that my eyes were mistaken. I’ve never seen a tail-less squirrel before. He kept pulling apart the burlap around my fathers birthday present. Then he seemed to disappear for quite some time! Now he is back and I got a better look at him through the zoom lens of my camera. It almost looks like the tail simply “fell off”! Has anyone else seen this?!!?
Thursday, December 16, 2021
New Ornament
I bought this cute mouse ornament this year! It is made of cloth and is quite lightweight. I prefer lightweight ornaments because we have a real tree and weight goes make a difference.
I have some cheap tube watercolours that had dried up so I used them here and added some gesso to it to provide a gouache like effect.
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Third shot
Hoping that this latest shot will keep my husband and I safe while we are with our family this Christmas. We are not going to miss out this year; opening presents via zoom doesn’t cut it. We aren’t going anywhere without a mask so we are going to restaurants, concerts, Christmas parties or hockey games but I still feel better with the shot.
I tried to access the provincial booking portal on-line without success as their website crashed. Even the telephone system was out due to technical difficulties. It was very frustrating! Finally….it dawned on me to just go to the tiny “out-of-the-way” pharmacy that I went to for my second shot. I had to go to town to get my first ever bone density scan so I was thrilled that there was appointment time available in the afternoon. Sweet!!
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Christmas Kettle
No prompt- The Salvation Army is an organization that I have appreciated during my working career. They always stepped up to help when the city I worked in had few resources (before it grew exponentially). I think they do good work all year long and deserve our support.
I was quite surprised when I saw this new addition to their Christmas kettle. Yes, I tapped before I left the store!!
Thursday, December 9, 2021
Terry’s Chocolate
I really shouldn’t say anything against the colour orange because I do love a sunset and I do love sweet juicy oranges. This fun confection is perfect; yummy chocolate with the orange flavour. 
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Coral colour
No prompt- it is so interesting to me when I realized recently that I really like the colour “coral”. It goes to show that preferences do in fact shift and that change is so slow that it went unnoticed until I bought the coral coloured Talens sketchbook last week. I don’t really need a new sketchbook but I “wanted” it. So, I caved. 
Sunday, December 5, 2021
It snowed last night
We got about 6 inches of fluffy white stuff last night. I’ve just come in from being outside. I bet chya can guess what I was doing!!!!(?)
This was my line of sight while drinking my cup(s) of Java this morning!
It seems I piled the gesso on a little thick over top the charcoal pencil. Oh well.
Just in case you’re wondering, it’s snowing again.
Saturday, December 4, 2021
Cute label design
What I bought earlier this week.
I didn’t bother adding the name brand, I don’t think it is necessary to document the super cute gimmick.
Thursday, December 2, 2021
Ugh! I don’t like delivering packages
No prompt- Grrrr! Not happy that I’m doing work and not getting paid for it especially since someone else got paid but didn’t do a good job. I mean really, the app on my phone got me to the right address without issue. Besides, the package was left out in the rain since we don’t have a covered veranda. The last time this happened it was a package for the farm next door but still; numbers don’t lie. Our green number (for 911) is clearly displayed at the end of our laneway, we aren’t #600 and we aren’t on the 7th Line. Cheez, a multi billion dollar company and they don’t train their employees on how to use technology that would make their jobs more efficient!!! It is just so annoying!
Saturday, November 27, 2021
COVID-19 Vaccine
I’m so happy that our 9 year old granddaughter got her first shot last evening. What a trooper! She gave me her sticker for my journal entry! 
Friday, November 19, 2021
New and improved mousetrap
‘Tis the season for the vermin to come indoors for warmth and food. My husband made a replica the ”Last supper” mousetrap for our son-in-law. Ours catches lots of country mice so I think it should do well in the big city. Not sure if the bait will work as good and it will be interesting to see the results. The traps are baited yet so this mouse was wondering what is happening here. 
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Porch decoration
We are visiting the family in the big city and so I drew their porch decoration. While listening to the Christmas radio station, I painted and added the sentiment.
I laughed when I realized I had drawn myself in the Christmas bauble!
Pencil crayons, watercolour and pen in my Handbook journal.
Saturday, November 13, 2021
First cactus
No prompt- I bought my first cactus. I have never been a fan of this prickly plant after it jumped up and bit me when I was in the neighbours garden. I think this is so pretty with its pinkish red flowers and it’s not overly prickly.
Hoping I can keep it alive for awhile. I don’t have loads of luck with plants.
Friday, November 12, 2021
A variation on a theme
I am thrilled to learn this simple technique to make an easy knot each and every time.
I’ve been checking Utube to see what information and videos they have. I saw one that is close but not quite the same as this. I just needed make myself a reminder so I wouldn’t have to turn my computer on to figure it out again. I made a bunch of knots this morning and will have to practice it again tomorrow!
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Powdered chocolate milk
I have one final serving left in this old container. When we shopped, I looked for a replacement but it seems the store I was at doesn’t carry powders. I must assume that powders are no longer popular. Luckily, I was able to buy the house brand, the only posder they carried. I looked all around the container and it is so old it doesn’t have a best before date on it. I know that I won’t get through the new container before it expires in 2023. Thanks goodness I’m not all that concerned about expiry dates since it is just a powder. Besides, best before dates aren’t something I worry about too much, I think the date is fluid but it depending on the item in question. If the yogurt or milk is expired by a few days, I still eat and drink it. Please don’t judge me!! Ha! Ha! I’m not telling anyone to do it, it is just what I do! 
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Safe-T Compass
We live between two cities, yesterday I drove south to the larger one where I found a liquidation warehouse that I have never been to before (totally due to the pandemic). They had quite the eclectic mix of products. I was pleasantly surprised to find this compass that I have been wanting to buy for only a $1. Love it!! It is meant to be a classroom product and safe for children of all ages. On Amazon (CDN) it’s $9.99!! Yippee! I was at the right place at the right time! My granddaughter will be getting one in her Christmas stocking (double bonus)!!
I couldn’t complete the larger circle because we are now at the end of the year and my book doesn’t lay flat anymore.
Monday, November 8, 2021
I finished my first cloth book
Here is my finished small cloth book! I enjoyed the experimentation. Look forward to making another. I didn’t flesh out any plan beforehand, just made it up as I went. 
Saturday, November 6, 2021
Two Mastiffs
Yesterday was our shopping day and we got home again in the late afternoon where we had a but of a surprise waiting for us. Two mastiff doggies came rushing up to the car. My hubby got out and one jumped in his spot! My hubby tried and tried but there was no budging this dude and he made his displeasure known by barking at my husband. Looks like he wanted to go for a car ride. The second one followed me while I carried the groceries into the house. Finally, he was able to convince the dog to leave the vehicle using a wiener as bait. We went inside and I called our new neighbours thinking they belonged to them (apparently not however). I’m going to take a drive down the road a piece as I think they might belong to some new people on the busy road that crosses ours. They might have left their place and ran cross country to our laneway. I want to let them know, I would hate to see these doggies to get hit by a car. 
Friday, November 5, 2021
Mono print on a packet
Experimenting with a new faux mono-printing method to make some marks in my tiny sketchbook that I made from cheap sketch paper. No gel plate, no problem!!! I used an instant oatmeal packet from my breakfast. Just open the packet to reveal the plastic coating on the inside, apply the paint (I used black gesso), make a design and press it on the sketchbook page. Yup, I like the result. I saw that there was a little bit of paint left over on the packet so I pressed it on the page again and got a fainter mark. 
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Winter arrives
I wasn’t thrilled to see the white stuff on the ground this morning; I haven’t got Bertha’s winter tires on yet. The earliest appointment I could get is next week! I like to switch out my perfume each season. 
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Visiting Newfoundland memories
I love visiting Newfoundland! I use to live in Labrador (on the mainland north west of the island) and have wanted to visit THE ROCK for many many years. We finally did when I retired and went again a few years ago with our family.
“ New Found Land” is our newest province and St John’s is the capital and largest city located on the Avalon Peninsula! Bell Island had an iron ore mine that had tunnels going down 2 kilometres but was closed in the ‘60’s but is now closed but open for tours (obviously only going down a short way!) The village of Wabana is the largest on the island where the mine is located. The dock took a hit by an torpedo in the 2nd WW and I think it is the only North American strike by the then enemy.
I had to mark where we ate the best ever codfish at the famous Chaffs Landing in Petty Harbour. Then the best of all tour experience when we got to see PUFFINS for my first time! (It was as exciting as when I saw my first pink flamingo!)
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Index card art swap
I joined an index card swap (this one is 4 X 6”) and it took me forever to figure out how I could get it to turn out the way I hoped.
I am reading a middle school book by Canadian author David A Robertson who belongs to the Swampy Cree Nation and lives in Winnipeg Manitoba. It is called The Barren Grounds and I’ll pass it to our granddaughter when I’m done. Tania means hello. I’ve been enjoying stitching these days so I stitched everything to the index card.
I should be able to get to the post office today before it closes so this art card can make its way to Bermuda.
Monday, October 25, 2021
Squirrel vs Human
No prompt- Ugh!!! Our attempts at capture have been thwarted by this nasty red squirrel. I think he jumped over the plate that would close the door. It seems we will have to get the small trap out and see if we can catch him that way. Last winter they almost massacred our cedar tree so I don’t want that to happen this winter.
NB. As you can see Tommy Kane I’m not
Pen, graphite and gouache
Friday, October 22, 2021
My first cloth book
Wow! I had no idea I would enjoy this so much, I hated hand stitching as a kid!!
I joined a zen stitching retreat and thanks to Emma Freeman who taught a stitched meditation book class! I am so happy to have bound my first ever fabric book. I’m looking forward to seeing what appears on the subsequent pages.
Cut up linen napkin, book measures approximately 3” X 5”
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Proof of vaccination
First thing this morning, I was FINALLY able to download my proof of vaccination QR code!! It was my 3rd attempt so I guess three times is indeed a “charm”. I was so happy that I didn’t notice that I was on the wrong page. Oh well, no biggie, I just changed the date. 
Friday, October 15, 2021
Starbucks is Megabucks
I thought I would trap a cup of Java after we finished our weekly grocery shop this afternoon. Wowza won’t be doing that again! I’m not going to lie, I’m just too cheap for high end brew! 
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Monster bins
No prompt- Ugh! When we got home yesterday, we found these bins at the end of our laneway! Not a fan at all! It was so easy to pop the green bin, recycling and garbage in my car and drive it down the laneway but that will not be so easy. And they take up so much space!! We will have to find a more convenient place to store these monstrosities come summer when we are in the garage more often. These are suited to city living but our laneway is 330 feet and now we will have to walk out in the rain and snow each pick up day! Our neighbour has a slightly longer laneway but they have three young boys to delegate for the task. How inconsiderate of the county to force this on us!!! 
Monday, October 11, 2021
Toronto Fire Station 342
We are visiting our family this Thanksgiving weekend in the big city. I had a chance to walk up to this tiny fire station this morning (while the rest of the family went fishing). This is the cutest little Fire Hall (house) I’ve ever seen!
Pen only, no pencil drawing. I sat on a retaining wall but found it was infested with ugly red bugs so I drew and painted most of this standing up. So that means I made loads of mistakes that I couldn’t fix but I was able to “make it work”; the house looks like a house and the fire truck looks like one. I’m happy with this page.
Friday, October 1, 2021
World Postcard Day
I participate in sending postcards around the world with - POSTCROSSING dot com. Today was World Postcard Day so I sent postcards to the USA, India and Finland. The drawing/painting is on an envelope because I hate white envelopes and the recipient requested an envelope so she could harvest the stamps. I was thrilled that I made it to the post office just in time!
Thursday, September 30, 2021
A load of Gravel
I think you can guess what we were doing this afternoon! We didn’t quite finish spreading it today but we got 80% done. Tomorrow is another day. If you are wondering my hands are very sore but happy that I had some deer skin gloves to wear while I raked. I wanted to make sure that I put lots of gravel where I park my car since it is the lowest spot.
So that means this is as good as it gets for today’s drawing.
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Sandals in the rain
It wasn’t raining when I left the house and I thought I would “chance it”! An old adage came to mind, “don’t take a knife to a gun fight”! 
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Interesting book structure
This has taken me a few days to “finish” ( I still don’t have anything on the back of this “book” but it’s done for now).
I’m taking part in a year long class with Carla Sonheim and this folded book structure is this weeks lesson. Here are my results. I used Strathmore bristol paper that I bought on clearance last week and so happy I found a use for it so soon! I had to clip the thing together because it wants to spring open. I used cheap matte craft paint on this prototype and I also used my Liquetex acrylic gouache paint.
I’m happy how this turned out and that what I had in my head actually happened on the paper. Thanks go out to Carla for this fun project.
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Election results
This isn’t a political statement just current events. Yesterday was Election Day here in Canada although we voted early to get it over with.
Yup, I didn’t capture a resemblance but I did document the day.
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Visiting the family
After a year and a half, this is our first visit to see family in the big city (Toronto, Ontario). Sitting on the porch and drawing my street view while waiting for our granddaughter to get home from school and our son-in-law home from work!! So happy to be here, it has been too long! I kind of dig the wonkiness of the perspective.
I used kiddo watercolours in my Handbook drawing sketchbook.
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Inspired by my breakfast
For today’s journal page, I was inspired by my breakfast this morning. I look my Blackwing Pearl out for spin with a paper stomp for smudging! I’m not going to be a pattern maker anytime soon but I enjoyed using the graphite for a change!
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Potato Chips
I don’t know how this happened but my hubby got these into the cart and into the house without my noticing it! I like that these aren’t just “made in Canada” but the are “crafted” here! I love this wording for a regular kettle cooked potato chip!!
The company started in New Lowell Ontario, a farming community south west of Barrie (our largest city in our region). They debut in 1987 at the annual Allison Potato Festival and they have been going strong ever since!
I used cheap craft paint in my Moleskine journal.
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Driving Home
Here is the page I did in the car on our drive home from our last summer vacation.
I painted the scenery when I got home. I was going to flesh out the interior to give it more dimension but decided to move on. This is merely a sketchbook to document my day and I need to let go that my drawings aren’t perfect.
I like the Monck Road because there is more cellular service than some other highways. We like to listen to Moose FM and we were happy that they have a station in eastern Ontario.
Friday, September 3, 2021
Phone booth
No prompt- we had to go to town because we forgot to pack coffee!!! Unbelievable that people can be such ignoramuses!! When has a bathroom become a phone booth??!! Couldn’t get a signal yesterday afternoon to post this! 
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Silent Lake
We drove 3 hours east yesterday to spend time in Silent Lake Provincial Park. I couldn’t get a good enough cell signal to post this late yesterday afternoon. This will be our view of the lake from our log cabin in the woods. Our family will join us late Friday.
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
I hated the way I drew the first “monarch” but I like it better now that there is colour and it has some friends on the page.

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