My creative journey! Playful use of photograpy, multimedia fibre art, drawing and acrylics painting.
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
Maple Cream Ale
I don’t know about you but normally, I just want to pay for my purchases and escape from the store (mostly because I’m still wearing a mask indoors). Mostly, I just think it’s rude and crosses the boundary between employees and customers. Then again, I know this cashier (from going to the store for years and years) in the sense that she is very outgoing and boisterous. But I was still surprised at how much discussion this small bottle of pop created at the register. Even the dude that was bagging my groceries got in on the action. So much so, he forgot to bag my purchases until the very last moment. 
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Quayles Brewery
I took my tiny palette out for a test drive when my hubby and I drove to Quayles Brewery on Sunday. Yup, it was a “Sunday drive” kind of day.
I’m not really a beer drinker but I enjoyed the two I had, Line 12 and the salted lime saison. They were both light enough for this gal. It was fun seeing all of the hops growing around the brewery.
I sketch in public to enjoy my surroundings and in this case it was the couple at the bottom left. He never stopped talking; it was not a dialogue but a monologue. All about him! Ugh! I was glad we finished our beverages so didn’t have to eavesdrop anymore. I decided she needed a thought bubble.
Anyway, we enjoyed ourselves and my palette worked fine.
Sunday, August 14, 2022
Charity Shop donation
It has taken a few days to finish this page.
Regrettably I’ll be taking this purse to the charity shop, I don’t wear this style anymore. This really is a very lovely leather bag. Although it’s leather, it isn’t heavy like others I have. I paid an arm and leg for it 15 or so years ago. It is very good condition so I’m sure someone else can enjoy it. I think I’ll add a note inside to say that I saw a similar one on line selling for $40 CDN (used of course). I recall waffling to pay the $179.00 it was a huge expense for me because I’m kind of cheap.
I lost my way in the drawing as it was a direct in with pen exercise. I did the best I could to finish it up; the addition of paint makes a difference.
Friday, August 12, 2022
Souvenirs from Southampton
I finally recorded my souvenir purchases from our holiday with the family.
I’ve heard it said that some artists put a bird in their art to make the piece better. I’m not so sure about that but I do know I bought my new coffee mug because it had a Cardinal on it! I love listening to our resident Cardinal sing his song.
I am a sucker for a Christmas pickle and just loved this knitted Christmas ornament. Thanks to Josie Bethune of Southampton @bethunejosieknits on IG
I belong to Postcrossing and I’m looking forward to sending my card to someone in Southampton England. I would be so tickled to be able to do that.
We have driven by the art gallery so often but never had the time to stop. They had some very lovely art works! It was worth the visit and I got another souvenir there. I wore my new earrings yesterday! Never tire of new earrings!!
Sunday, August 7, 2022
I made a new sketchbook
It’s just after 10 am and it’s 27C! What was I thinking!!! I don’t usually bind books in the summer because my hands get all sweaty. I washed my hands a couple of times during the process so I hope my finger tips didn’t secret unwanted oils on the paper.
This is what I fondly term a UFO or unfinished object. I found it again a few days ago. Since it has been languishing under some paper pads I didn’t even recall what paper I had measured and cut. Thankfully there was a watermark- Strathmore Aquarius watercolour paper. I like it because it has minimal texture and is easy to sew. It is cellulose paper so the price point is good too.
I painted the canvas cover with acrylic paint on this “hard bound” book yesterday. The flower motif comes from a cheap fibre coaster from a dollar store. The cover had been made using a cereal box and reinforced with another cardboard layer. I picked up yesterday from where I had left off.
I wish I would have seen the black thread before I started with the white. Oh well. This is actually waxed linen beading thread that I got at Michael’s (with a coupon).
I made so many mistakes but the outcome looks pretty good regardless. I have 2 pages left in my current book so I look forward to getting into this one.
Saturday, August 6, 2022
Stitching a butterfly
So strange, but I often seem to forget to photograph my small fibre art pieces prior to mailing. Decided to create a sketchbook entry so if I forget again I have a drawing. I’m glad I added some of my actual materials that I used too!
I have enjoyed hand stitching and surprisingly it seems that I have joined the slow stitch movement.
This will eventually be a card front that will be mailed out to Chantal in France. I haven’t figured out how I’m going to design the card yet. One step at a time, I’ll think about while I finish the stitching.
Friday, August 5, 2022
Vogue magazine-British edition
Page created from a memory brought about by the cover of the British edition of Vogue. It seems we get the magazine from across the pond 2 months after the fact. I don’t alway journal heaps with my pages but this time I thought this spread would need some explanation because it isn’t about my current daily mundane life. Well, it is in a way as it was sparked by a magazine cover I saw at a bookstore I visited sometime ago!
My mother had enrolled me in skating and that means participating in the ICE CAPADES!!! We were living in Labrador at the time so mothers who could were expected to sew the costumes we wore. What I learned is that when your mother can sew, there can be an upside and a downside to that skill. This moment was a definite bummer in my humble opinion!
I did not want to be the lead Sunflower!!
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Inverhuron Provincial Park
We have been on holiday where the internet was lousy but then came home and the internet here is more of the same. Switching providers a.s.a.p.
We drove three hours west last week to Inverhuron Provincial Park (Bruce County) to meet up with the family. I used the cardboard toilet paper roll to make the circle for a close up of our clothesline. I loved my granddaughters painted rock so much I added it to my page.
We finally found a radio station we liked so I added the information in the waters of Lake Huron.
This is not an exact replica of the map we were given when we arrived.
We found out that this park had been closed for 40 years while the Bruce Nuclear plant was being built. Then they had to ensure the safety of the environment for people before it could be re-opened to the public.
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