I seem to be lamenting about no time for art these days. Try as I might there has been absolutely no time to make art for the last week. In fact, I haven't had the time to think about it either.
The only time I had available is to take a snap of a piece of art that was in the foyer of the facility where I was taking a leadership course in Ottawa. This piece filled the foyer and would have been 20 or more feet high. The foyer felt immense so I don't really know exactly the height or width.
The piece is very beautiful and this photograph does not do it justice. The colour was much more intense and the texture of the metal inspiring.
What is important to note is that the facility is in the business district in Ottawa and I was surprised to see that there was lots of art featured in many offices including fibre art. Even the hotel displayed fibre art safely behind glassed in frames. That is somethng that we would not see at home.
It is sad that "art" has not been able to rise to the top in this conservative town. Ahhh, I think I have stated the obvious.
This piece is beautiful. I can see mountains and streams in it. Wonder if the metal will change colour in time.