Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas chilli-chocolate convections

The new year has come and gone and I sit here wondering what I have been doing and then I remember. Busy times are behind and ahead, at least until February 15th. I will be exceptionally busy until then and then just my "normal" busy. So I'm not going to let myself stress out too much about the fact that I have to jam so much into so little time. Today for instance, the hubby and I have to also go to a wake for the farmer's wife who live across the way. It isn't that I knew her or anything. My hubby has spoken to her on numerous occasions when he would pick up flowers from her at their farm. I think about how she died quickly, slumped over her computer (at least I hope that it was quickly). Sue had been involved in trying to breath life back into the little community centre located in the little village on the next concession. It agree, it is better to use it than lose the building to developers and development of some other kind. Right now, the skating rink is beautifully flat and inviting. I hope her death doesn't mean that the effort that they have put in to keeping the old community centre is safe from the wrecking ball.

Now these lovely Christmas confections are the most delicious ever and I had to take a picture of them before I gobbled them up! A friend from work makes them and is ever so nice because I get my own person little gift box. Yum, Yum, This year, they had the purr-fect mix between the chilli and the chocolate!

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