Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Projects

I have a few projects that I want to start but I have a painting "started" or rather one layer on the canvas. I will finish it. The next two projects are not paint related; one is to make something useful out of the mess of spools that I purchased and once that is finished to start a abstract painting using collected fibres. I have it partially imagined in my mind but don't want to get too solidified so that the end result won't look too deliberate.

Here is a picture of a "tag" project that I completed with a group of fibre art enthusiasts called "Marmalade". It epitomizes what it is that I want to do (and no, I don't want to replicate this project but just give you an idea where I might be going with the abstraction concept).

I have been trying to clean up my computer and off-load some stuff (like movies and videos etc) because they suck up so much space. I am not too sure about the idea of CLOUD storage but I will put some of my documents there for safekeeping. I purchased an external hard drive to hold all of the stuff that I don't need regularly. I am also removing many of my photo's for the same reason but I want them to be "safe" so I will be adding them to the hard drive as well. I have tried to be a bit more "brutal" by trashing some of the "not-so-great" photographs. Honestly, not every photograph I have taken needs to be kept.

It is hard but I have reclaimed 2G of space on my hard drive already. I had best get back at it.

It is such a beautiful day and I want to go out for a long walk too. Need to get a move on....

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