Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Best intentions and a new ride!

I'm justing finishing four days off, four fabulous days off.

I had laid out all of my ephemera and other postcard making materials when my hubby called to say that his vehicle needed more unexpected work done and was being kept in the shop overnight.  Oh, and by the way, there is a car here in the lot that you might like.  It is a 2007 Toyota Camry with all of the bells and whistles!  Oh joy, it has heated seats, total luxury!!

So I had good intentions but I ended up making the deal and buying the vehicle.  I will pick it up next week on my days off.  So, that means that I did not get the work on my project completed.  Ten postcards....I hope to not let it lag on too long.  I want them completed within a reasonable amount of time.  I think that I will mail out to the woman in Australia first because it will likely take much longer than the other names on my list.  I was really getting into my project (I had laid out what I needed to complete two postcards) when my hubby called.  Life has zigs and zags so that is okay.  I will do what I can, when I can.

I'm pretty excited about the new ride though!!  This new car is just so sweet with leather seats and a moon roof.

Yesterday, we went to Toronto to see our daughter and grand-daughter and visited the Royal Ontario Museum to see the Mayan exhibit.

This is a quick snap of my hubby and my daughter pushing the snazzy stroller/carriage thingie going into the museum.  I'm glad we were able to go because my hubby really wanted to see it.  We took our grand-daughter too; this was her first trip to the ROM but without a doubt it will not be the last.  Truthfully, although she was awake the whole time she likely didn't enjoy it as much as her grandma and grand-dad!  

Picture taking was prohibited in the exhibit itself so this is a snap that I took of a promotional picture in the elevator of the ROM. 

Bummer, but off to work tomorrow... another day, another fifty cents!

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