I’ve been thinking about the fact that I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, I commend all the people that do though. However, I know me; I know there is slim to no chance that I would keep up with the resolution. But! Then this thought popped into my head. This is something that is totally “doable” for me !!!!! Yes, I do like to consume a fair amount of coffee each morning because I get up fairly early. I commend all the people who do make New Year’s resolutions but that just isn’t me.
I made myself into a cartoon character and I’m drinking from my most favourite mug (that looks like a beer glass to me) that I bought in Southampton (Ontario) this summer. I love it because of the cardinal, a favourite bird at our feeder during the winter.
Best wishes to all to have an enjoyable evening and an even better time in 2023!
Yeah, okay, I know this is silly but no matter, I made a page in my sketchbook.