Sunday, April 28, 2024

No teeth cleaning for me

Oh No!!! I am so bummed that I can’t get my teeth cleaned as expected, waiting 6 weeks feels like a very long time! 

I’m loath to do it but I will cancel my re-scheduled cleaning appointment tomorrow.  I was waffling about it but think it might be for the best until I know what my future holds when I see the surgeon next month. 

I’ve loved my portable Waterpik very much but it only has 2 settings - ON and OFF!  So I went and bought this new grand-daddy gadget! I’m using the number 4 setting without any issues.  I had to stop using my portable because it sometimes made my gums bleed and that is not a good thing (and the reading I can’t get my teeth cleaned). 

Just in case you were wondering, I sat on our “great white telephone” and drew this with a cheap HB pencil.  Haven’t a clue why I didn’t pull out my good pencils.  I had to use a Q-tip (yes, the real deal) to do a bit of smudging.  Lastly, this morning, I added a bit of watercolour for the water container area. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Phew! Treatments over

A celebratory page to document how we feel.  Phew! It’s over!  Time to let our bodies rest and get strong once again.  

I chose purple and gold and then it dawned on me that they are the colours of our alma mater.  We did long distance education to get our under graduate degrees.  I only went because my husband was doing it.  I had a big case of FOMO (fear of missing out!!)  I’m glad I did! My employer paid half of my tuition upon proof of successful completion of each credit.  So it was a good deal for me.  My husband finished earlier than I but he waited for me so that we could attend convocation together.  Wilfrid Laurier University is located in Waterloo Ontario and 2.5 hours south west of where we live.  I was so tickled that day!  Our daughter was there to see us receive our degrees.  

My husband saw his doctor today and his numbers are excellent and he will not need more treatments.  He will be followed up sometime in the future.  

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Another blood test another transfusion

This is what happened on Friday.  Another blood test, another transfusion., only one unit of blood this time.  At least I’m done with being poked until the next blood test on the 29,  just before I get my CT scan.   Thankfully that is another 8 days away!  We made it home for 2 nights and that was good! It is always good to be home. We are back in the big city now for my husband’s last 2 treatments.  He is so glad that his treatments are coming to an end too! 
The nurse had some difficulty finding a suitable vein so she ended up using my right hand.  I had to write and draw this with my left.  I am not a lefty whatsoever.  I painted the page later because I just knew I would do a lousy job. 

I was so happy that I wore a pair of pull on’s so I could use the bathroom without assistance.   My husband joined me after he had his treatment.  He bought me lunch even though I wasn’t terribly hungry. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Spring time in the big city

Yesterday was a beautiful sunny spring day in the big city and I didn’t want to miss it.  My husband had a late appointment for his radiation treatment so I walked down to St Clair St W with him.  I had made a plan to visit a shop and saw this little restaurant on the way from the bus stop.  On my way back I stopped in to purchase a treat for myself. A yummy handmade popsicle.  I sat outside on this tiny table and chair set and watched people walk by.  It was wonderful, that simple act made me so happy!  I love popsicles!  I’ve had lots of “freezies” to counteract the hot mouth brought on by chemotherapy but sitting out in the warm spring weather was so invigorating!  I felt so “normal”! 

Next time I’m by, I’ll have to check out their menu but normally I’ve already had lunch before I leave the house so I’ll probably just get another popsicle. 

I drew this page this morning from the photo I took.

Oh yes, I was the only person on the bus wearing a mask. Have I mentioned that I hate the bus! I much prefer the streetcar.  There is some work being done and the streetcars won’t be back until fall (or maybe later-you know how that goes)! 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Round 4 Day 2

I can’t believe it, I was patient number 88 and it was only 10 am! This is day 2 of my  my last 3 days of chemotherapy ( I hope!)  On the first day, the nurse put the IV in my right hand so my drawing is horrible and I’ve decided to turn the page on it.!  Regardless, I had the vein whisper that day and he did a fabulous job of getting the IV started.  I truly believe that my Guardian Angel helped with this, I think she supplied some magical essence to support me.  She is an art card that was created and sent to me by my friend Birgit.  She has been living in my sketchbook that I’ve had with me all along! I’ve drawn her each of these 3 “final” days. 

I think I finally learned a secret to veins too and that is hydration.  Yup! So simple, but I wasn’t drinking enough water before my infusion.  Happy that I had some fine nurses who cared for me during this difficult time!  I’m glad they used the veins in my hand and left my arms alone! 

My husband continues on his own journey through radiation treatments.  He has just over one week to go.  Then, I will also be having a blood test, X-ray and follow up with my chemo doctor next Friday.  

I’ve packed up the car in preparation for the drive home while my husband was at radiation.  I look forward to being able to spend more time at home before the next phase.