Thursday, November 17, 2011

Art Class II

Here is a photo of my piece that I did in art class last week.  I was inspired by a photograph that I took last March and was created in water mixable oil paint.  This is my first painting ever in this medium and although it was enjoyable it has one draw is till not dry.  I know that all of the fine art painters would consider that to be a positive aspect, I on the other hand do not.  When I took my colour theory course in university (many years ago via long distance study), I received in mail a box of acrylic paints.  I have never tried anything else.  Of course that is the whole reason why I took this art class in the first place!

 Okay so this isn't the exact photograph but it is the only one that I have watermarked in iPhoto.  It certainly will suffice.  I took tons of photo's that frosty morning while the sun was rising.  My fingers were almost frozen by the time decided that I had had enough snaps.  I certainly was a sight to see and I was happy that I made the detour to the water's edge of Lake Simcoe to see it so early in the morning and following my night shift.

I find trying to capture the essence of my photograph is more difficult than I had first thought.  Isn't it always the way.....we always attribute simplicity in others work.... but... when we try it ourselves we finally realize that there is nothing simple about applying paint to canvas or in this case to canvas board/panel.

I have to say that I really do like the "look" of oil.  I has it's own look and feel that is quite wonderful.   Again, my photography skills do not do the colours in this painting justice.  I think I need to add highlights in the icy snow to show the reflection from the rising sun.  Not sure how I will accomplish that but I am thinking maybe oil pastels might be the answer.  I'll have to think about it before I actually apply the pastel.

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