Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunrise Painting

My hubby has been away checking out the plot of land that he bought in Ambergrise Caye, San Pedro, Belize.  I used my alone time to paint.  It has been some time since I have even felt like painting anything. I am almost happy with it but I can see two things that I want to change before I declare that I am finished.  Oh yes, I need to finish the frame as well.

Here is a photograph of my inspiration...I took it this past October and thought it might be interesting in a painting.  I use acrylics and it enjoyed the layering process to achieve the colour that I wanted.

Now this is not the exact photo that I used but it was taken the same morning (this is the only one that was already watermarked).  I don't live on the water but only about a mile away.  I just took a detour down to the public access on Lake Simcoe to grab a few snaps using my point and shoot Panasonic Lumix.   I usually carry this camera around  in my car with me for just such occasions- moments of spontaneity.  I could see the sky on my drive home and I was sure that this would be a great photo taking opportunity. 

However, what I don't like is the water.  I know that it is the lens of the camera that reads the water as dark when in fact it really isn't.  So, I will use some of artistic licence by changing the colour so that it does not read as "black".  There is no reason to be a slave to the actual photograph.

Now my photographic skills need to be improved, I think that I should have re-positioned the easel  away from the window a bit more.  I think that would have eliminated the glare on the right hand side.  Overall, I need to do a bit of tweaking of the water and the sky above the sun a bit and it should be considered done.  My hubby is a good creative critic and even he agrees with my intended modifications.

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