I just loved these earrings when I saw them because they are intended to represent bees. If my memory serves bees are good luck. I checked on google and found out that they represent the notion that all things are possible! Really? I didn't know that.
Wait! I almost forgot, I have a pair of socks with a bee embroidered on them and I found a concert Tori Amos t-shirt (originally belonging to my daughter) that as a bee painted on it.
Then if found that in the ancient near east and Aegean cultures, the bee was believed to be the sacred insect that bridged the natural world to the underworld.
However, having said that, in Welsh lore it is good luck to have a strange swarm of bees come to your garden. Okay, I can understand that, but really, I'm scared to death of them. I can't imagine a swarm of bees anywhere near me! That reminds me that we did have a swarm of bees come to the house that we live in now. I had thought that they were rogue bees from a farm not too far away. Possibly a "rogue" queen who took the swarm with her to find a new home. Her choice of home was in our chimney!
My hubby had decided to burn some paper in the wood furnace and to his dismay the smoke filled the house. He awoke me and then our daughter before we anything happened. We had to get PCO to come to get rid of all of the wax, honey and "the bees". At first we had called around to local companies hoping they would help us but no one wanted to rid us of these pests. I know that they are pests really but they are if they are in the chimney that heats your house. PCO used liquid Vapona (remember the no-pest strip??!) in a machine that converted it to a smoke.
Have I mentioned that I am deathly scared of bee's?